*blink blink*

Jun 16, 2011 16:05

Huh. I was offered to be paid to do some little jobs at the admin volunteering. o_______o Wow. One of them is to [help] organise a meeting that's happening next Saturday, and the other one is to transcribe a 75 minute meeting. And it's not properly transcribe, but just, do summary bulletpoints. \o/

Just need to remember to go have the little induction/meeting thing on Monday. :3

I got my eyes checked and, as usual, my eyes have changed again. :P My eyes are always slightly worse when I got for a checkup and because I have an astigmatism, the axis that my eye sees at keeps changing. Normally I have to wait until the next day to pick up my glasses because the place doesn't keep lenses that would fit my perscription (something along those lines) - this time, I have to wait a week. O____o

I chose really thin frames even though I'm going to have really thick lenses because the other pair of glasses I liked were kinda like 'OH HAI, YEAH, I'M WEARING GLASSES AND ARE REALLY OBVIOUS'. Except it's not like I can see what I look like when trying out the frames - I couldn't see the largest letter (where it's just the one letter taking up the whole space) on the wall without my glasses. In my right eye? All I saw was a white square. XD;;;

Aaaand if I wanted the lenses thinned, it would have been another £140. =/ That's more than I paid for the frames.

But, I have healthy eyes (and it's always fun to see the back of your eye when they shine the light in it. XD)!

general: glasses, general: volunteering

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