(no subject)

Jun 11, 2011 20:43

Okay, rebooting the Romance AU because my perfectionist-self is going 'Nooooo, the parts don't mesh! Marland shouldn't be acting like that in the first part! D:' Except, now my perfectionist-self is going 'Nooooo, the master list is going to be messy! D:' since Assumptions and Sick can be in both versions, and I think I'm going to tag the new Romance AU as 'original: searching: romance au: rewrite'. XDDD Hope it can go down that many levels. XDD;;

(Haaaahaha~ First part is from Shodin's pov! And I'm enjoying writing it while cringing at the same time. X3;;)

So Caellus in the manhua, and Tian Xian in the novel.

Oh, hey, there's mention of the internet here. XDD; So much for the 'step up' beyond the internet in Research.

Wait, shouldn't Ling Bin have phoned Lan's house if he thought she'd run away?

XDD So, in the novel Neurotic/Wacko is muttering, and in the manhua, he's yelling at the top of his lungs.

Tian Xian is one of the top three NPC bosses? Wow. (If the Dictator of Life was a hidden boss, would Kenshin and Sunshine be somewhere near the top as well? But they're hidden bosses as well. Hmm.)

So, Neurotic is ninth in the game/warriors, while DanDan is the fifth. Wow.

...I had completely forgotten about that armour. I don't think I paid it any attention the first time I saw it.

Aaaah. So what hit Lan was Tian Xian's robe attack?

O____o Woah. DanDan's level 95? Yikes! Or is that just the level of the summon, which, should be capped at the level of the summoner. Hmm. Wow.

Finished at the end of chapter 42. It's kinda going chapter for chapter now?

writing: plotting, original: searching: romance au, fandom: 1/2 prince, fandom: original fiction

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