(no subject)

Apr 28, 2011 20:25

Ugh. Didn't sleep well, tried to get back to sleep, failed, tried to get back to sleep, succeeded, now have headache. D:

Ha. Didn't know the new Doctor Who series had started.

Not too many notes, because, omg, that takes ages.

I'm going to guess the astronaut is the Doctor. Or one of them three.

"I'm being extremely clever up here and there's no-one standing around, being impressed. What's the point in having you all?"

*blink* *stare* Is that Crowley from Supernatural?

So...as soon as you stop seeing it, you forget it.

O_______O Ha. Haaaaaaaaa! She exploded.

Heeee. Rory making sure Canton's all right. X3

Or maybe Canton's the astronaut.

"Every time I meet him, I know him more, he knows me less."
Apart from the fact when he was ten, he didn't know her completely.
Oh. Wait. Time travel. So that point hasn't happened for her either.
[later edit] *facepalm* Duuuuuuh, of course it hasn't happened for her yet! She wouldn't be there if that had happened already.
Isn't that kinda...linear though? =/ Hm.

"And I think it's going to kill me."
... Yeeeeeah.

Do those things just stand around and look menacing? =/

She's pregnant? Hmm. 'Must tell the Doctor something important!' = [blank] -> [Brain fills] -> [Closest thing] -> [Pregnant]? Though River was holding herself in the same way.

Okay, there's no way they'd have a kid death. She missed. Or it didn't do anything.

I'm, like, thiiiiiis close before I step past the checkpoint in Searching. D: I'm also getting stuck with Ronthar's name, because Shodin starts slipping in again what with the Romance AU. XDD;

Also, I started planning a little ahead (and have this sorta blank spot in between) and - and I realised something about the epilogue that's making me go, 'omg! Please happen! Please happen!!' and there's other stuff that I wanna blab on about, but that'd spoil. :P

original: searching, fandom: doctor who, general: sleep, fandom: original fiction

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