Huge post! Because I really just can't shut up. XDD;;

Apr 15, 2011 15:16

There was only one phonecall! I had a mild moment of 'Crap...Crap!' because my desk was a mess and there wasn't enough space for the paper I was supposed to record messages on. I stumbled a little bit on the name, but like I said, it's a five-letter acronym.

It was the administrator checking up on me. XDD;;

And then I'm going to be doing this again next Wednesday. The phoneline is supposedly busier then. D:

Okay, I want to know just how much talking goes on at the receptionist volunteering, because whenever I meet new people there, they already know that I live close by, I've just graduated, or I went to the same primary school as the service manager's son. XDD;

The wolf really needs a name. Except I can only think of three routes (I don't get all the the game references either) to name him: the 'Tao names him Bob' route, the 'Tao names him Wolf' route (though I currently can't find a place where I can find Korean words in English letters.) route, or the 'he gets named like Shodin' route.

And then I started thinking.

Well, if they did decide to go the Shodin route, what would they call him? After appliances?, they do eat a lot of ramen though. So maybe they'd name him Ramen.


They'd name him Ramen!! *proceeds to die laughing*

So I'm finally getting back to Searching (Although I've gotten yet another plotbunny for Noblesse *facepalm*) and yeah. Had a little bit planned out, and it's going okay writing it, Marland and Ronthar are talking, Ronthar says something, and I thought Marland would be like, 'Uh, okay... o______o;;'


Not. In. The. Slightest. *laughs* And what Ronthar says back can go two ways: I can try to keep the sort of mellow, testing mood (though Marland's just shattered that), or I can have Ronthar say something that'll make Marland essentially spit-take and go 'whaaaaaaaaat??'

I'm all for making Marland getting knocked out of his comfort zones. XD It means they can get chatting with each other more comfortably, faster. :3 And I find it hilarious. XDD

Somehow my darkicedragon dreamwidth import finished before my esp_dragon one - and I'd started the darkicedragon one after. O____o Weird.

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general: fun, fandom: noblesse, general: dreamwidth, general: volunteering, original: searching, writing: thought processes, fanfic: trail, fandom: original fiction

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