(no subject)

Apr 12, 2011 08:41

Yeeeeey, the new chapter's have finally properly been translated! And eeeeeee, there's a sorta quiz this month, or something!

Hee. There's a bit more on Fairsky and Sunshine at the start. :3

*head tilt* *checks manhua chapters* Things got rearranged?

Even though I'm a guy, I've never seen my "manhood" before.
Well, unless you were really trying, you shouldn't have.

I never thought the first time I would see one of these things [...] would be on myself
*laughs out loud* Aaaaand barely into the chapter already. XDD

"Just relax and spread your legs..."
*laughs out loud again* Oh Lolidragon, you utter pervert. XDD

*is laughing so much when Lan finds out she needs to pee as well*

Aaaaaah! The NPC population is decreasing! D: What happened to those NPCs? Did they get deleted or moved?

D: You'd need to have dedicated people playing if you're having players as shopkeepers. Are they getting real money? *thinks about it* How much money has Lan made from being their spokesperson?

Hee. Wolf keeps up the gossip.

I'm going to die of overwork!
XDD If you had Storm's job...

Thankfully everyone knows I'm a military idiot
*laughs out loud again*

it gives me the creeps every time I see White Bird's respectful attitude towards me.

So Moon City is the traditional Chinese themed city. I'd taken this note before, I think...

*Laughs when Lan gets the entirely wrong direction to look at for Moon City* XDD

So Lan's ranked 100 in levels. =/ That's not that bad.

Hm. I wonder what rank Lan used to be. And Lan would have raised a couple of levels at least after taking the pill, but yeah, I guess not enough.

I wonder how long it's been since I last trained with everyone in Odd Squad?
Pfft. When was the last time you spent a good amount of time with them?

Think it's been a while since we've seen Wicked too.

'Just put on your blood elf face - you'll look like royalty like that'

'The blood elf isn't the real me? Why does everyone like the fake me?'
D: Awww.

XD I don't think I noticed XiMen Feng standing in the back the first time!

But if there's six people there, they'd share the experience so Lan would level up slower.

*laughs* Yeah, if Lan can't get touched and therefore can't touch the mob, how is she supposed to get the experience?

*headwall* But you're going with your lord to help level him up. And he's the lowest level lord and arrgghh...

*laughs* Yep! Lan did die in front of a huge audience! XD

*\o/ at the mention of Kenshin*

Huh. Lan had ditched her party before this.

"The most important thing is making the best use of one's abilities"
But - but then why are they trying to make her raise her levels so much? XDD;;

And the group have been following Lan in the manhua anyway.

"If a stranger walked by that moment, they would have probably guessed I had rejected five lovers."

Ahaha! XiMen Feng is scared of Yulian! (Which makes sense)

And then we see the reasons. Aaaaah, poor XiMen Feng!

X3 Lan had an easier time in the novel.

"This is called blood lust, and it's cool, got it?"

*laughs out loud* Better get going with cutting your head off XiMen Feng! XDD

*screams in joy* Arctic Fox! Arctic Fox is gonna make his appearance~~~~!! :D :D

And Lan needs a new cape. X3

*raises eyebrows* It's lined with fur. And Lan thought it'd be a superhero cape. XDD

*snickers at Lan's commentary on the person's speech* If he wants to roleplay...

*facefall* Awww, I prefer the name Arctic Fox.

He even wore a face that said 'Annoy me and I'll kill you; don't annoy me and I'll still want to kill you'.
*giggles uncontrollibly.*

Oh jeez, I've pretty much memorised these pages, with all the Arctic Fox and Kenshin fic I wrote, as well as trying to find good icon bases. XDD

"I laughed heartily...and promptly sat down."

But we don't get sick in the game.
D: That would suck. But there's status effects... ;)

Aaaah. XDD Pets can't answer back. ... Kinda sucks, but since the pets aren't supposed to be sentient...

Well, if the Jin Yong-like person is using Arctic Fox, then why is he so surprised that Prince is calling someone else?

Eeeeeeeee! Kenshin is left-handed! Or he's holding the sheath. Hm.

XD Haha, Arctic Fox knows Kenshin's a good fighter here.

*snerk* Isn't Lan considered a strong player? So she can't really say about the strong players being cold-blooded.

Hahaha. It depends on the boss, if you're able to beat them alone. Like in WoW, you used to need a 25-man team to have a chance of beating a boss, but they can now be soloed because the levels and gear were updated. ... D: Waaaa, hope that doesn't happen here, because Kenshin can't level up! But then it'd be like The World, where you have to make your own adventure after you reach level 100. =/

Highest level in the rankings is 95. Cool.

Oh, hey, pets can be resurrected. X3 And there we go with the self-awareness. :D

Huh. Top person is Undying Man. Deathless?

:O Woah! He was going to attack Arctic Fox! I thought he was just flailing it around!

Go go Kenshin! \o/

Ooooh! Oh! I hadn't realised that was the first time Kenshin had attacked someone without Lan's orders!

Haha~ His teammates won't attack Kenshin though.

And if Arctic Fox is the third ranked, but will only lose to one person, he must have challenged the other person and won. XD

Aaaaaaaaaaah!!! *can't even get a sound out, laughter is choking so much* THEY AREN'T EVEN TALKING!! They're communicating through looks! *is dying of laughter* omg, these twooooooooo! *adores them*

I guess red potions work by percentages? I'm fairly sure Lan was drinking one at the start.

Heeee! Arctic Fox came to challenge the strongest~

*laughs when Lan says Arctic Fox can challenge Kenshin, and Kenshin glares at her*

"the look he wore was as if he had seen his beloved"
*dies laughing* I can't find the comment yet (or if I answered it without this), but yeah, lucathia_rykatu, I'd forgotten about Arctic Fox! *ships these two even more now*

*laughs so hard at the rest of the paragraph*

"You can follow Kenshin around, or he can follow you."
lskjdflakds AHAHAHAHAHA~~

Finished the 40th chapter. :3 Getting so close!

8D The 180th chapter of Noblesse is ooooooout! *refreshes* ... *refreshes* ... *refreshes again*

*and just as I finished going over the novel chapter, the translation was done!* Need to remember to check the actual translator's website, rather than just webcrossing and mangafox. XDD;;

Hm. Rai can't use the Lord's weapon. Okay.

Oh. They knew he was going for the eternal sleep.

The princess, huh?

*grins* And Rai's more suited. Hm. Wonder why.

"Good for decorative purposes."
XDD I guess he doesn't have to fight that much.

"I decline."
"I decline."
"I decline."
Well, at least we know Rai didn't talk that much before either. XDD

Oooo, it's glowing.

*blink* Last message?

"That must mean that peacock found you."
'What, you old bugger'
*laughed out loud*

Ooo, wonder what's at his grave.

Eeeeeeeeeee! Finally about the RK-4!! :D :D *keeps reading*

And you had to blab about it in public

Tao's always been fond of jokes so...
Hee! Good to know! :D

"I refused to join"
*laughs out loud* Of course M-21 did!

*is giggling so hard the more Tao talks*

\o/ Woo! They did shadow the Central Order guys!

Huh. Tao calls Seira 'miss'.

:O She's forcing him to go to sleep??

*goes off to read the April Fools 1/2 Prince chapter*

... Aha! I didn't know if you ticked the 'crosspost' box on an entry that was posted before an import was done on dreamwidth, that entry will be posted again! (if you edit posts that have been imported, it won't edit the post on the original site) Although it does end up giving you a double post. Hm. Anyway. *goes to change the master fic post as well*

fandom: noblesse, general: obsessing, general: dreamwidth, fandom: 1/2 prince

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