Thinking thinking thinking :3

Mar 29, 2011 09:03

So I'm thinking I need to stick Kendal's group in a bigger house. XD;; Every room is occupied as a bedroom apart from the kitchen, toilet and cupboards. Nillos and Dinnow (the new guy) are sharing a room. They have no place to stick their weapons. They have no place to watch tv/do stuff together. Yeah, five people (Now, what, eight?) sharing the one bathroom. :P They'll have an upstairs in the re-write.

So I've been doing some more thinking for the master and slave thing, and did some more tweaking of the slaves. I... think lonliness is going to be a theme for this year. And I think it's actually been an an underlying theme that I've been writing for years that I just haven't realised until now. Because with crossovers, I was cutting someone off from all that they knew and dumping them somewhere completely different etc. and then... well, Kenshin. D: I think I hadn't realised sooner because I was focused on the fixing of this lonliness and building bonds with other people, but still, that was usually a start point.

Anyway. Yeah. The slaves are no longer born human predetermined to be slaves; they now come into existance, with a sorta genetic memory of knowing it's going to happen - and no-one can see them unless they have magic (even then, it's a movement out the corner of the eye type thing), and the only person who can make them visible to the rest of the human population is their master. So now both the narrative character and the other main character have reasons to be feeling lonely and isloated when they first meet. *facepalm*

So I was thinking about Noblesse. :3 And in one of the writing books I'd read asked that if you were jumping heads a lot, how did you figure out who your main character was? They advised that your main character was the person who went through the most amount of character development.

Which means M-21. *is killing self with laughing*

Stiiiill kinda ill. D: Still with the dry throat and runny nose. Noooo~

Oh yey oh yey oh yey! ♥_______♥ I was only able to skim this yesterday and ooooo, I just couldn't wait to see what was being said!! \o/

Heeeee~! Regis is able to beat so many people when he hasn't gone through his coming of age ceremony yet!

'Weeeooooo weeeeoooo'
They're... announcing they're arrival? Then again, they are the Central Order *snerk*

Ahaha! Gaju might have noticed something!

XDD *laughs* They think the trio attacked the forbidden area!

So the big guy's name is Kei.

And he and his clan leader trained away from Central. Makes sense.

Ooooo. Lord is not happy.

Go go Regis! \o/

Can no-one see his white hair? Is he hiding it under an illusion? They should know it's a sort of clan trait?

Pfft. Beginning to be tired after fighting all of them? Wow.

Nice dodging skills! :D
Oh. D: D:


ldkjflaksdjf Tao! omg, it's Tao and he's so damn pleased with himself!

RN-4? *tries to work it out* *fails*

"Our past was erased by the Central Order and we are reborn as knights."
*is dying with laughter* Oh my gaaaaaawd.

XDDDD The case looks massive!

oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez. Dynamic entry: Takio! *_______*

And his code name is number two! *still dying with laughter* Is Tao no.1 in awesomeness (and thought of the idea first) or is M-21 no.1 due to age? But if there's only three... Wait. Maybe they're including Regis in their number. That could account for the R.

♥________♥ Keep spinning those pistols Takio.

Where the hell did he jump from though?? XDDD

EEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Go go go M-21!! \o/!! This chapter is awesome!!!

And M-21 is number 4. Huh.

*throws head back and laughs* Yep. Tao's 1. Maybe it's four, so they won't know it's three, and they pretend the speakers is another person.

Ahahaha! Regis is no.3! Maybe RN stands for Rebel Noblesse.

"Is it me, or does it feel cold in here?"
"I am also feeling a chill."

writing: plotting, fandom: noblesse, general: health, original: searching, general: obsessing, original: master and slave thing, writing: nanowrimo, fandom: original fiction

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