(no subject)

Mar 14, 2011 06:49

OMG, how did it take me this long to realise the similarities between The Witcher and Final Fantasy 7?? More specifically, about the Soldiers.

In The Witcher, they talk about the process to make a Witcher and the fact that they need to use mutagens and magic to make a fully fledged Witcher. Okay, that's a small similarity. And then there's the fact that Geralt's hair turned white and his eyes went golden and slitted (and did I mention they glow?) when he went through the process. What are they using in those mutagens? Jenova cells??

But - but I have no plot! D: Just the fact that these could be so entirely awesome to... Huh. I hadn't realised either that Vincent's old Galian Beast form was pretty close to the striga. Hojo~ What have you been do~ing?

So, now I have two points of similarity between them, and there's teleportation magic in The Witcher and that can always go wrong. XD Yeah, at one point in the game, someone makes a comment along these lines just before they get teleported: 'I heard when someone came out on the other side they were missing their legs - they followed him five seconds after.' XDD

;______; I'd so want to write this (and pfffffthahaha, if Geralt tried to break the 'striga's curse' on Vincent - he needs to find where Vincent rests during the day and stay there from dusk to dawn. That would lead to some interesting questions. XDD) but other than crossoverablity, I have nothing. Especially characterisation on the ff7 side; I'm pretty sure I'd be basing that on fanon. And waaaaah, apart from funny interactions and possibly... Well, idunno, Cloud trying to find out what was done to him? Maybe? But I'd need to find out other connections like if they're from the same planet, and if they're not, then the Jenova cells weren't actually used then.

Actually, who says it has to be Jenova cells? If Geralt were to turn up in Gaia, people are just going to freak seeing him (poor guy's used to it) so there doesn't have to be a proper link between the two but enough that people would react in a certain way. Still. Would it then just be Geralt gets blasted there, and needs to find his way back? =/ Hm~

writing: plotbunny, fandom: the witcher, writing: crossover, fandom: final fantasy vii

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