Fanfic meme

Mar 12, 2011 07:10

Because, y'know, it's the thing to do when you should be answering people's comments and reviews. XDD;;

Meme stolen from lucathia_rykatu

Meme! )

general: weather, general: meme

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lucathia_rykatu March 13 2011, 04:58:05 UTC
Your meme turned out long too. XD

2. Huh, I don't remember how I stumbled over to ffnet anymore... probably because of someone from the Rurouni Kenshin mailing list I was part of.

Wah, spoilers in the summaries. XD; Sometimes not wanting to get spoiled is a large reason why I push myself to catch up with a series.

My first fanfic was an OC experiment Beyblade fic. Telepathic powers, sentient bitbeast, human experimentation... no, I'm still not carrying these themes and likes seven years on, what are you talking about? *innocent look* *cracks up*
Hahaha! I see your interests are still the same.

3. Hm, I think when I try to write romance, I'm so stuck on trying to get them to the point where they would actually confess... it seems most of my romance fics are centered around confessing. I guess my idea of the romance genre is confessing then... :'D I like gen. *___* Allows me to explore the series more with more... probably scenes. I was trying to write romance for two characters and even though I shipped them, I couldn't see it actually happen in the series. >__>

Ahhhhh, I don't think I'll be able to finish Veline by June either. D:

4. 1/2 Prince is so hard to crossover with because of the setting. Unless it's crossing over with RL, like I mentioned before I think.

For both 1/2 Prince and LSK, I think you've explored a lot of characters. XD; More than just your favorites! You've sure written quite a few fics in both those two fandoms and the other fandoms you listed. XD Enough to set trends!

Noblesse: M-21! :D :D :D My favourite character in the whole series. And I keep saying that I need to catch up on this series, but then I never do. D: D:
You need to play catch up! :O M-21 and the other two are like... the comedy trio now. XD; This series never fails to make me laugh.

5. Hm, I thought the pacing of Full Metal Ninja was really slow, but it was very detailed (even detailed with food, hehe), and I do so love language barriers~. I don't know about other people though. XD

Oh, The Black Book. I remember reading that. XD; People must really want to see an HP/DN crossover. :O

6. Hehe, yay for fics you're proud of! I like a lot of those too. :D I have fond memories of Second First Meetings because eeeee, Gui and Wolf backstory! RL and game selves meeting! It was so squee-worthy!

I really liked your writing style in Never Give Up~, and outsider POV was really neat too. :D

7. Sounds like NaNo really helped with getting things down! :D

The most difficult aspects I struggle with is keeping my facts straight, I guess.
... I'm so terrible with this. XD;; I seem to be pretty proud of most of the fics I end up writing for Yuletide. Thinking back, I think it's because I do the most review for Yuletide fics, so I always end up thinking those fics are the most in character. I should do more review in general. XD;

8. I gotta do a fic about what Kenshin thinks about being someone's pet. omg, how am I only thinking about this now??
*____* That needs to be ficced, totally!

9. Ah, high school AUs. I'm not fond of those either.

10. In addition to writing amnesia, I should have added "body swap" to my list of cliches I've written. XD; I kind of want to attempt another one...

13. Third-person limited. To the extreme. XDD;; Descriptions aren't really there, but I'm trying to put them in.
I kind of want to attempt third person omniscient sometime. XD; Or maybe that kind of sneaks in sometime for me already. *scratches head* Ah, I think I do have some fics where the narration changes on me, haha...

14. You seem to read more fanfic before? XD; But maybe reading everything certain people write is still a lot. XD;

15. Yay for writing what you want to write. XD

16. I guess I just like to move on. XD; Oh man, I am very happy with any review for tiny fandoms indeed~

17. Hm, knowing the end doesn't seem to help too much for me... I did push on with some of my longer oneshots where I knew how I wanted them to end but I just couldn't get my fics to that point. The middle parts are always so hard to write!

Tea... like coffee? XD; Tea does have caffeine too though!


lucathia_rykatu March 13 2011, 04:58:11 UTC
18. Plotbunnies totally count, don't they? XDD;; Getting ideas that want to be written now, omg, write me now, write me now, omg OMG and don't let go until I've written them totally inspires me to write. :P
LOL!!! Rabid plunnies~. Your plunnies list has gotten very long. I didn't think that was possible. =P But you also have a lot crossed out now! I tried to start a plunny list (that didn't work too well). I think I'm going to start a... WIP list instead to remind myself to go back to my ideas without dropping them. XD

19. I think your writing has improved a lot recently. :O Those writing books helped a lot? :D

Fanfic is what got me into uni.
Whoa! XD


darkicedragon March 14 2011, 11:43:34 UTC
@___@ Yeah. This took a while to do. XDD

"Sometimes not wanting to get spoiled is a large reason why I push myself to catch up with a series."
XD Same. For me, it's also so I know what not to write about if the series has already gone over something I wanted to write about. X3

Yeeeep, my interests haven't changed a bit - I've just been lucky enough that I've found good series where those are centred around~ ♥ I can't believe I hadn't realised it earlier until I wrote those original fics for the creative writing course. XD;; If left to my own devices, that's what I'll gravitate towards. :3

I... don't think I can write relationships in development, actually. XDD; I'd end up writing something really long because I'd probably be doing/showing it bit by bit rather than a sudden realisation. And my track record for multi-chaptered longfics is... not good.

When I finish Reset, I think I might be writing a fanfic for The Witcher and it might be kinda long too, and I don't want to wait until after Searching because the bunny will have quietened down by then. XDD;; Noooo, Searching won't be finished and printed in June. XDD;;

"For both 1/2 Prince and LSK, I think you've explored a lot of characters."
Now we just need to see more characters from LSK and I can spread out even more! XDD

"M-21 and the other two are like... the comedy trio now. XD; This series never fails to make me laugh."
sldkfjaldskj I'm sorrrrryyy~~ that I still haven't caught up yet. D: D: D:

"Hm, I thought the pacing of Full Metal Ninja was really slow,"
Ha. Hahaha, oh, that's definitely true. XD;;;; 'Let's make a tiiiiiny bit of progress - and then let's get back to the topic of their limblessness! I mean, we haven't talked about that for one chapter now, so we have to bring their attention back to it!' omg, it was so circular. ;____;

"but it was very detailed (even detailed with food, hehe)"
XDD Yeeeeah, I was writing this with the 'more is better'... thing in mind so I never took anything out but always added more in.

It's twelve chapters long, 30k words and, what, it's been four days or something? Probably including the time they've been unconscious? Pffffhahaha~

"I do so love language barriers~."
I think that's partially the reason why people like it - I'm addressing that there should be a language barrier when people get dumped into other people's worlds. I like it as well, but it was so much work. @____@ Different gestures and just having a conversation and how do you attempt to teach someone a language when you know nothing of each other's and aarrrggghhh. XDD

"People must really want to see an HP/DN crossover. :O"
Probably. Plus, it gives a much simpler solution to beating Voldemort. XDD

"Sounds like NaNo really helped with getting things down! :D"
:D It did~ It also helped because I was reading quite a couple of books in preparation for it as well. X3

You saw my summary post of NaNo~ It helped in so many different ways. :3

"*____* That needs to be ficced, totally!"
XDD At... some point, I'll write this! XDD

"In addition to writing amnesia, I should have added "body swap" to my list of cliches I've written"
Ooo, I don't think I remember that. What fandom(s)?


lucathia_rykatu March 15 2011, 05:40:03 UTC
*did not receive a notification for this* But good thing I checked. :D

That too! I often think... that stuff I want to see would probably eventually get explained by the series, and it would really suck if it was already covered in the series but I just didn't know because of being behind everyone else. XD;

I don't think my interests have changed that much either, but they have changed. =P You seem to have at least pin pointed what you're into. XD;

That is what happened with my Mekakushi no Kuni fic. It's just a simple romance, yet 5... (omg, 5??) years later, I'm still hacking away at it. I should give up on writing romance. Or at least try not to write romances centered around getting to the point of confessing. I can't write established relationships though, because my mind just goes... how in the world did they end up in a relationship when it wasn't like that in the series!?

Sounds like you're getting ready for epic fic. :D But aw, you're putting Searching aside again. I guess November will roll around before you finish Searching. XD;

I'm waiting for more characters to show up in LSK too. XD; Volume 2 will be good! :D

There's a Noblesse community on LJ now, though it's pretty quiet. :3

Haha, in small doses, FMN didn't seem that circular! But I guess if we stop to think about it... there wasn't much progress. =P They never did leave the hospital, did they? :O

Hahah, well 30k for 4 days isn't bad... I think Veline was the same. XD; I'd only introduced, what, 2 characters after 25k, and all they did was walk around town... for one morning. Gosh... XD At least Ed and Al met quite a lot of people.

Hm, that's true~. Lots of fics just magically have people understand each other. In fact, lots of series have characters understanding each other even though they're not from the same country! Like... Japanese characters speaking Japanese in America and still being understood. 0___0;; Or vice versa.

If only Voldemort had been that easy to get rid of. XD;

I kind of wish I put that much thought into Nano. XD;

*cough* Let's not take a look at that body swap fic. XD; It was my... second fic? Harry Potter. I'd say it's kind of a self-insert. XD; But... what's sad is that I don't think my writing has changed or improved that much since then. (I am amazed at my younger self though for being more creative and actually being able to finish chapter fics). *looks at the fic* Ahaha! They were even able to speak telepathically to each other after switching bodies. Okay, now I want to write a new body swap fic. Hopefully done better. XD;


darkicedragon March 28 2011, 12:15:16 UTC
XD You've probably got the notification for it now.

"I often think... that stuff I want to see would probably eventually get explained by the series, and it would really suck if it was already covered in the series but I just didn't know because of being behind everyone else. XD;"
I hadn't quite realised just how much of a... canon-ist(?) I am? If something happens in canon then it is The Truth and I don't want to break that. Which is why I quietly ship Sunshine and Kenshin, but can't break Sunshine and Fairsky up. On the other hand, I guess it's also because they're happy and arrrgghh... I dunno.

"I can't write established relationships though, because my mind just goes... how in the world did they end up in a relationship when it wasn't like that in the series!?"
This. I want to know how it happened, because that affects how the people act together!

"Sounds like you're getting ready for epic fic."
*snerk* I lost the plotbunny - and picked up Noblesse plotbunnies instead. XDD;;

"They never did leave the hospital, did they? :O"
Well... they did leave, but that was a sort of get some fresh air type of thing than actually leaving completely. I hadn't thought about where they'd go if they did. XD;; Best chance would have been with Iruka.

"I'd only introduced, what, 2 characters after 25k, and all they did was walk around town... for one morning."
*innocent eyes* Sooo... will you be working on Veline once the other stuff's been done? *more innocent eyes*

"Like... Japanese characters speaking Japanese in America and still being understood. 0___0;; Or vice versa"
Haha, that's what happened in COiNE but I did have a reason for that - I just never had the chance to explain it. Since Ichigo's a shinigami, he's going to have to talk to people to explain what's happened etc etc to the ghost. It'd be a bit of a problem if there's a language barrier, so my head canon is that shinigami have a sort of automatic translator power that does that. XD

"They were even able to speak telepathically to each other after switching bodies. Okay, now I want to write a new body swap fic. Hopefully done better. XD;"
asdfjklas *_____* Eeeeeeee! Please do!


lucathia_rykatu March 29 2011, 22:48:49 UTC
I have. I love that notifications are finally working again, yay~. I depend on them so much!

I seem to be pretty much the same, goodness. That explains why I tend to prefer certain fics and not others. XD; But if a writer is skilled to enough to explain away something that might not have fit in canon, that's good writing. :D Sunshine and Kenshin are so shippable. ;__; (Though I guess Sunshine and Fairsky had been planned from the start... with their names and all). They are happy and everything too. come, convert to shipping Kenshin and Arctic Fox, hahahah

And then if they were in a relationship with someone else in the actual series, I want to know what happened to that relationship if they're paired with someone else in the fic. :O

Oh no, where did that plunny hop off to?? That was quick... Noblesse plunnies were too rabid? XD;

Ah, it would have been fascinating to see how they fared in the village normally. :D And how Iruka would handle them~

I totally should work on Veline some more. And finish before June. Ahhhh. June is so soon! XD; I can't believe it. There are some scenes I want to write... but not the continuation of the current story. XDD Extras??

I guess you jumped to the more interesting part right away. It is inconvenient when the characters don't speak the same language. XD

Oh man~, trying to think of an idea for that. I should make this the year of writing cliches, hehe. XD;


darkicedragon March 14 2011, 11:44:00 UTC
"You seem to read more fanfic before? XD; But maybe reading everything certain people write is still a lot. XD;"
Yeah, seems a little contradictory, but one person (
uss_spambot) is insanely prolific. She's written in 30+ fandoms and has written... 500+ fics. And she hasn't finished uploading them either (she's been moving her archive) - she's got another two-hundred to go. o_____o;; And her fics are massive. And while she has preferences for characters, she doesn't solely focus on them either. So, yeah, I pretty much read anything she writes, because it's so awesome. :3

"The middle parts are always so hard to write!"
XDD My middle parts just grow and grow and grow.

"Tea... like coffee?"
I knooow~ It's weird. It doesn't taste that different from what I normally have though, so I have no idea.

"But you also have a lot crossed out now!"
The crossed out fics are very much in the minority though. XDD;; I get too many ideas and then leave the fandom.

" I think your writing has improved a lot recently"
\o/ :D :D :D Yey!

"Those writing books helped a lot?"
*nods* They definitely did. :3

"Whoa! XD"
XDD *laughs* But it's truuuuue~
"You seem to read more fanfic before? XD; But maybe reading everything certain people write is still a lot. XD;"
Yeah, seems a little contradictory, but one person (
uss_spambot) is insanely prolific. She's written in 30+ fandoms and has written... 500+ fics. And she hasn't finished uploading them either (she's been moving her archive) - she's got another two-hundred to go. o_____o;; And her fics are massive. And while she has preferences for characters, she doesn't solely focus on them either. So, yeah, I pretty much read anything she writes, because it's so awesome. :3

"The middle parts are always so hard to write!"
XDD My middle parts just grow and grow and grow.

"Tea... like coffee?"
I knooow~ It's weird. It doesn't taste that different though, so I have no idea.

"But you also have a lot crossed out now!"
The crossed out fics are very much in the minority though. XDD;; I get too many ideas and then leave the fandom.

" I think your writing has improved a lot recently"
\o/ :D :D :D Yey!

"Those writing books helped a lot?"
*nods* They definitely did. :3

"Whoa! XD"
XDD *laughs* But it's truuuuue~


lucathia_rykatu March 15 2011, 05:52:53 UTC
I think you might have pasted this comment twice. I guess it's not as huge as it looks. XD;

Oh whoa, 500+ fics? In how long? :O Even after NaNo, I still think huge word counts are insane. (50k is probably nothing for some writers, haha)

The middle parts of my fics are nonexistent. XD;


darkicedragon March 28 2011, 12:17:48 UTC
*facepalm* Must have forgotten to ctrl+a first.

In... twelve years, I think?

>_____> There's a fic over on that has a word count of a million. I'm sure I've seen it. I didn't try to read it though. XDD;


lucathia_rykatu March 29 2011, 22:49:21 UTC
A million words. 0_____________0;;;



darkicedragon April 11 2011, 11:18:48 UTC
Yeeeeah. XD I did a quick search in the Harry Potter fandom and found a fic that was 900k+ so maybe I was thinking of seeing someone who wrote 500k in one fic, and then in the sequel, wrote another 500k?


lucathia_rykatu April 12 2011, 06:49:03 UTC
So, since you mentioned ffnet and word count, I took a look at my overall word count since 2000 (this is with author notes and headers included), and it's only 1/3rd of that!

900k for one fic is amazing. @____@

Some fanfic are truly very long though. I think I've read a lot of fanfic that's longer than most novels I read. I went to the library today and checked out some books, thinking they were so short. I can probably finish them very quickly. XD;


darkicedragon April 12 2011, 18:31:11 UTC
900k for anything is huuuuge. X___X Wish I'd checked how long it took them to get to that point...

Some books seem really tiny now. XDD;


lucathia_rykatu April 13 2011, 07:11:36 UTC
I already finished one of the books I checked out from the library. XDD (Dragon's Bait). I wonder if it's actually even shorter than my NaNo. XDDD


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