
Mar 11, 2011 16:45

Okay, finally finished The Witcher. @____@ Over a week of solid gaming and there's still the extra adventures as well. Except I keep dying in one, so I think that's me mostly finished for a while. XDD

omg, how much do I love Geralt? ♥ Especially if Zoltan is anywhere in the vicinity~

When trying to find non-human refugees in a burning city
Zoltan: Dammit, where are they? I know - I'll roar like a polar tiger!
Geralt: A what? And how is that going to help?
Zoltan: Because if they hear the call of a non-existant animal, they'll know it's me! AaahhwwwwOOOOOaaaaaaOOOOOOO!

Later, when at the second refugee meeting point
Zoltan: Is that everyone? AaaaaaooooooAAAAAAooooooAAAAA!
Geralt: We'd better leave quickly, before some she-tigers come looking to mate.

When asked by a goddess to compliment her
Geralt: Uh, your eyes shine like stars.
Lady of the Lake: Cold and distant? Weak, witcher.
Geralt: Your ass puts others to shame.

There was just so much that he said that made me laugh, but I forgot them. X3;;

I spent pretty much all of the game with the basic steel sword because I'd looked at the stats ('damage depends on style') and that seemed more important than '+40% damage along with chance of pain etc. on crit' except, they just hadn't put that line in, so yeah. XDD;; I could have had upgraded to a much better sword really early on.

It took a veeeeery long time before you got the silver sword. D:

I also spent a lot of time in the game wondering just how many kids Geralt has considering just how many women he slept with - then I remembered that witchers are infertile so he doesn't have to worry about that.

I adored watching Geralt doing coups de grâce on stunned opponents~ :3 Especially when it was more than one blow. :)

I didn't use magic much, except for stunning people and blowing the barricades away. XD So it was annoying when I found out that my super amazing armour would be focused on the magic side since I'd sided with the Scoia'tael. :(

I did have problems playing it because my computer is pretty old, so it was only just able to handle it on all the lowest settings. This became pretty obvious later on when I had about ten fighting people on my screen and was fighting one boss that had a sort of waterfall shield around us. My thoughts during that fight pretty much went like this: 'Argh, stuck in a corner, can't get out. Jump over them. ... Jump over them. ... omg, just move already! Fina - why are you still - stop running into the wall. OMG, stop moving, turn around, and fight!!' This happened more than once in this fight. -_____-;;

I was so happy when I hit the epilogue chapter, but then I started thinking about it. The sides are still fighting, the city is still burning, and we've yet to really see the guy who was behind it all. Yeah, it's not reeeally an epilogue.

The optional final boss was... really easy. I was playing on easy mode but he fell in a couple of blows pretty much. XD

The ending movie. *_______* ♥ ♥ ♥ So. Damn. Awesome that fight scene was. 8,000 orens in the tiny pouch though? XDD

And there's pretty much no fics for this series on ff.net altogether, let alone the game. :( Aw.

So, now to catch up on everyone and get back to editing Reset. :) Finished typing it up and it's 4,002 words long right now. XDD; Still have a couple of [more]s to fill.

Hope everyone's okay and well!

fandom: the witcher, fanfic: reset, fandom: 1/2 prince

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