(no subject)

Feb 14, 2011 23:03

Well, I was going to go to sleep, but then I saw that 1/2 Prince had updated! Eeeeeeee!

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Caelus' return!! omg!!!! He came back! He came back! He came back! *dances around* omg I can't wait to see what happens!

Eeeeeeeee, Wolf and Yulian! This seems to be a super detailed cover compared to the others. XDD; It must be all the fur and hair. Or it's been a while since we've seen one.

*facepalm* Lan's (omg, I nearly typed Sun!) still wearing that gear.

EEEEEEEEEE!! NPC bosses are going to attack the players! The players are screwed.

*Still going ew, Lan's new outfit on the splash page, but eeeeeee, Arctic Fox and Kenshin are right behind her!*

"If any NPC boss kills you, your character is lost forever!"
:O Woah!

Pfffffhahaha! It looks like everyone's trying to read the text above their head like it's a game announcement! XDD And Nan Gong Zui's face is hilarious.

Kenshin's hair seems to be more... in disary than what it normally is? Or is that just because we haven't seen him (ever, not even close up) recently?

\o/ EEEEEEEEEEE Caelus! The boss has respawned!

Oh? Pass on a message?

*omg huge grin* A message from the Dictator of Life?

So, the Dictator of Lfe is also an NPC?

Hmm. "This tragic fate you created for us"? But if the NPCs are killing players and those players can't get on their characters anymore... D: D: D: I have so much basis for Reset then, omg. I waaaaaaaant to get back to Reset.

"We want to live!"
*flails flails flails* omg omg omg *is running around in circles* Obsession levels are rising so much again! Yey for constructs and exploring that and omg omg omg. Kenshin, please say something!

O_______O You're going to capture him? lkjzlkjhv kadh

:D :D :D omg, Kenshin and Arctic Fox have a panel together eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! (And wow, lookit how close Kenshin's scar is to his eye)

Nggff, that is an awesome evil look there Caelus. Yeeeeeey, slitted eyes.

He uses 'Celesial Robes' as a skill?

Wooooo hoooooooooooooooooo!! Kenshin and Arctic Fox are fighting together again!! omg, so much awesome and love in this chapter, and we aren't even halfway through it yet! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

The panel with Caelus and Doll seems to have more detail than most too.

*grin grin grin* Lolidragon's gonna explain! ... Lolidragon's gonna explain. Pfffhaha. This could be interesting.

dalkjdsflaksj The final boss? That would explain a lot. lfkajslj omg omg omg eeeeeeeeeeee!

Through their high level of intelligence? But Kenshin's is fifty? Or is that considered high for an NPC?

"He has the ability to evolve, and is capable of altering the game itself."
OMG, can I just say how much I love the NPCs in this world! \o/

*raises eyebrows* The game people actually wanted this game to be self-sufficient? Like, it'd actually be like a self-sufficient world? But then, the people need to wake up and eat and go to the toilet though. D: Or do they mean that the world develops itself without much need for patches?

So the only thing people can do is keep him in the Northen Continent. I'm just imagining the map of Wow now, and I'm just seeing Northrend. XDD; I wasn't able to play it enough to know where the heck the Lich King is/was though.

A hundred-thousand complaints? Wow.

*grins* Wolf noticed straight away! All the secrets are coming out? (Apart from the main one, of course. :3)

Ha! Lan just outs her like that! XDD

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! She's the company president's daughter! Eeeeeeee!

omg lookit that reaction panel!! XDDDDD Wauahahahaha!

What's Lan trying to say? She was bringing in more money for Lolidragon's family?

*raises eyebrows* Not much imagination, 'Human Destroyer'.

But how are they confining the Dictator of Life on the Northen Continent?

Sooo... The NPCs die by the players over and over again, or they die completely because Second Life got shut down? D: D:

O____o How are you supposed to kill the ultimate boss of a game unless you're also one of the highest levels with the best gear, which these people aren't.

laskjfalk Sunshiiiiiine and Fairsky.

I actually facepalmed here. Laaaaaaan, omg. Another secret is out. Will Lan's secret come out now considering the rate of secrets being exposed?

"If killing others is the sole purpose of my existence, I am willing to accept death."
;___________; omg. Kenshiiiiiiin. How the heck had I missed that part of his existence? Well, I guess I got the 'continually fighting' bit, but stiiiill, omg.

FFFfffffhahahaha! Of course Sunshine just says it right out! I mean, he's just seen everyone else do it, so it's okay, right? eeeeee, omg how much do I love him?

Do you have hackers in your guild?

Woo! Dragons! :D :D :D

AAaaaaaah! *points* It's Yang Ming! Ahahahahaha!!

But that's if the Dictator of Life is in the Floral capital.

XDD Gui's getting glomped by Lolidragon!

XDDDD No unfair raising of the levels! Which is true. You could say that you were joining in the fight, get your levels boosted and then you go off with your uber-leveled character.

*blink* That's the - oh! Is that the guy with the dragon wings? Is it? Is it? *______* He has horns. Awesome!

Hm? Why wouldn't you let them? If they die, they'll end up respawning at the Ghost Cave? (Dammit, I need to finish Reset before my ideas either get Jossed or confirmed and then there's technically no point in the exploration! XDD;;)

D: That's some glitch.


I was bored during the receptionist volunteering, so I started doodling Marland. And realised that I don't think Marland has a human nose. I was also starting to wonder if he actually has human eyes, but I'm going with yes, he does. So, Marland's head isn't so human-shaped and his face sort of has a snout. Also! I think I've finally figured out his horns! \o/ I suck at drawing them, but still! I've figured out his horns! He's got three of them. :3

original: searching, general: obsessing, fandom: 1/2 prince, general: volunteering

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