(no subject)

Feb 02, 2011 18:38

Going to France tomorrow, omg. XDD; Mum booked a package tour a little while ago and I'd completely forgotten about it until the start of this week. Don't think we'll be coming back until Monday. Not bringing my laptop because it went kaput again last week (it got stuck on a black screen right before the login screen was supposed to show up), it's really big and clunky, and the battery only lasts about twenty to thirty minutes before dying.

So, yeah, I'll be quiet until then. Hopefully I'll actually remember to bring and actually use my camera this time. XD;;

We'll be taking the ferry over, and I think I'll be able to write during then. :3 (also taking the train down to London. It's going to be about four or five hours. DDD: All that free time but unable to write!) Need to take notes on prompts that I want to write - though I've already got four fic ideas as it is. XDD Two had already been started, but then I got stuck. :(

On the other hand, when I get back, the new chapters of 1/2 Prince and The Legend of Sun Knight might be out! :D :D It'll be so awesome if they are! (Obsessed? Me? Naaaaah.)

general, writing

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