Jan 23, 2011 08:32
=/ Feeling like I might have the beginnings of a cold, which is really weird since it's not that cold out (we're above 0C pretty much all the time now) and I'm always wearing a scarf. So, idunno, I caught it off my boyfriend?
In other news, for some reason, I have decided that yes, I will be trying to tag all my fanfic entries with characters again. I have 250 entries. omg, whyyyyyy. Also, even if I do manage to do all of them, a lot of the livejournal entries won't be changed since I imported them so the crossposting thing won't work then and I don't want to be doing it twice. =/ Hmm.
I had also been wondering if I should be tagging my entries with the fic title or not, since I'm pretty much sticking with one-shots at the moment, but I like being able to find the fic straight away at the side. Plus, I've got a thousand tags, and I've only used 170+ tags so far, so it should be a while before I get close to hitting the limit.
general: health,