
Jan 10, 2011 05:27

Pick a character and I will give and explain the top five ideas/concepts/etc I keep in mind while writing that character that I believe are essential to accurately depicting them ( Read more... )

general: meme, general, fandom: 1/2 prince, fandom: original fiction

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darkicedragon January 10 2011, 21:07:00 UTC
\o/ It's awesome not seeing error messages.

:D Kenshin! Mostly manhua-verse.

1. He's not trustful of his memories. He doesn't know if the memories he has actually happened, or if they were constructed by the system.

2. I don't think he has a full understanding of what the differences are between players and NPCs. He knows there's a 'them' and 'us', but I don't think he got the same talk as Rui (is it Rui or An Rui? I can't tell. D:), since Kenshin said he became self-aware while fighting a player. Or maybe he got talked to after that point. So, he knows that he's different from players, but the magnitude of how different, he doesn't quite get/know.

3. Which then leads him being pretty confused stumped unsure about the motivations of some player's actions. Lan's behaviour doesn't really help to give him a basis of what's 'normal', and then when he meets the rest of the people Lan knows, I think he's come to the conclusion that players are very quirky, and possibly the reason why he can't fully understand them is because of this invisible barrier between players and NPCs, so being able to comprehend them is impossible.

4. I do think that he's curious about the world, but with Sunshine there, he doesn't have to ask. If Sunshine isn't there, he'll observe to see if he can make sense of it first, but the only time he'll ask is if he's prompted to or it's the opposite of what he thought/assumed (I'm fairly sure I've contradicted myself in a couple of fics. XD;)

5. I think he trusts Sunshine on a very high level. They're both sentient NPCs in a world of non-understandable players and they've probably known each other for a pretty long time. On the other hand, the trust could have been manufactured by the system again, since the quests were linked... ;____; Yeah, don't think I'll be thinking about/exploring that any time soon, if at all.

6. Kenshin doesn't talk a lot. If it's possible, he'll let his expression do the talking and then say what he wants to say in as little amount as possible (okay, that's an exaggeration; just, he can condense a lot in a small amount of words).

This made me wonder what Kenshin's reaction was to the regular NPCs. ;_____; I'm guessing he would have seen them in Snow Village.

I'm also sort of wondering if I'm flanderising him. Hmm. May have to go back and check his characterisation again. Aaah, such a hard chore~!


lucathia_rykatu January 11 2011, 05:18:32 UTC
So detailed! Oh hey, there's even a #6. XD This actually reminds me a bit of the 20 facts meme thing that was floating around a year or two ago.

1. This part always makes me sad! (but I love seeing this explored)
2. I have no idea what a Rui is, or if it's its name. But the way Kenshin arrived at becoming self aware is pretty fascinating, since he wasn't told.
3. Haha, no, Lan's behavior is far from normal. Not a very good model. XD
4. Yay, Sunshine! He can ask questions for both of them. Kenshin is also curious at times, but if he doesn't get an answer, he just leaves it, doesn't he? Or he just makes his own conclusions... (like that one time about underwear...)
5. I think so too! And it is sad thinking further about whether or not their trust is manufactured. (I do think they'd question themselves about things like this, especially Sunshine now that he has feelings for Fairsky)
6. And he demonstrated how effective not speaking could be with Arctic Fox. *g*

I wonder too, especially at an earlier point of time than now.

I think your Kenshin is great. =P I mean, he is a more minor character compared to Prince and Gui (though Kenshin did get to be on the cover twice already, hehe). You've given him a lot of thought. XDD


darkicedragon January 12 2011, 07:37:51 UTC
XDD You know I'm not good at maths, and point 6 was so his core part of him that I didn't think about it because it's there. Aaaah, I'm not making any sense. XDD;;

1. D: Yeah, same. But then it's a memory thing, so I love it. XD;

2. I was trying to work out if the scanlaters were trying to say 'a Rui', 'an Rui' (which doesn't make sense grammatically), 'An Rui' or what. The wikia says 'Rui' but that's all the information they have, apart from a picture. XD;

4. :D Yep! What did he say about that again? *checks* Ahahahaha! Lan thinking about giving Kenshin lacy underwear!

Oooo, he's a lot more curious because he asked about the sea. Eeeeee.

5. Hmm, yeah, that's an idea. And - and they know that Fairsky actually exists, is a player and isn't set by the system, and the only thing they have to compare is Kenshin's memory of Kaoru and - and... ;__________;

6. *grins* XDD

^ ^ I like to double-check (and it gives me an excuse to re-read the manhua. X3)

XD I hadn't realised I had gotten this as his character while reading. I mean, yeah, I got it, but I didn't realise I had this much sitting in my brain. O___o; I think I poke at different points when writing though, so that might be why.


lucathia_rykatu January 13 2011, 00:18:55 UTC
6 things to keep in mind, even better! XD

2. Ah, I looked it up in the novel. His name is 安瑞, which is An Rui phonetically (so that's his name...). XD; He's a clam!

4. I wonder if they ever revisited the topic. Probably not if Kenshin ended up brushing it off... XDD

I thought you wrote All That Glitters because Kenshin reacted to the ocean? :3

Having this much is amazing! *flails* Since he doesn't have that much screen time...


darkicedragon January 13 2011, 14:56:07 UTC
Aaaah, cool. :D

Lan might have attempted it again, on a slow day or something. >____> *is plotbunnied*

X3 Yep, I did, but that was from manhua!Kenshin's pov - in the novel, he asked if they can go closer to the ocean (aaaah, so cute!) whereas in the manhua, he just ran up to it. So, showing curiosity in different ways. :3

Bwah? Yeah they do! They have... Uh. *snerk* They really haven't had that much screen time have they? Actually, the most recent one was focusing on Sunshine and Fairsky, wasn't it? I actually hadn't noticed - I think because I was too distracted every time I saw him, so he took up a whole lot of my attention. XDD;;;


lucathia_rykatu January 14 2011, 05:10:42 UTC
I suppose Kenshin and Sunshine do show up more than a lot of other characters (like Wolf and Yulian and Doll...). XDD And even if they're not the main focus, they seem to lurk in the background... XDD


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