(no subject)

Dec 27, 2010 07:10

I have been getting awesome comments for my yuletide gifts and treats. ♥ I'd been worrying about them while well, doing all parts of it. I kept thinking things like 'but their characterisation isn't right!', 'are they going to like it?', 'would so-and-so even do/say that??', 'these people are so ooc... ;___;' or feeling like I was just rehashing what had happened in canon. You know how critical I am of my work. XDD *looks back* Huh, I didn't realise characterisation was such a big thing for me.

I think I was mostly worrying because I was having an emotional flatness to my fics by the time I thought the fic was good enough that the recipient wouldn't hate me, because I'd edited the fic so much at that point, and I'd seen the words over and over in that particular order that they weren't affecting me like they had when I'd first put them down/typed them up. I didn't have enough time to leave them for a while so that I could look at them again from a fresh perspective/mind though. :( It's a good thing that I was dipping my toes in different fandoms (three completely new ones, and one that I'd only written one fic for, focusing on a different character) and writing a different fandom every time I started a new fic because I had to think differently to write them so by the time I went back to edit, I was at least in a different mindset.

But yeah, but then I'm getting comments about how just in character the people are, and that the fic could have actually existed in the canon. *starry eyed* Also, making people happy! \o/

I've just noticed that nearly all my fic summaries are quotes from the fic (just the one summarises the three paragraphs). XD Only four aren't the first sentence; two are said within the first two paragraphs, one is in the first four, while the last one is from the middle of the fic. Which is a good thing; if I thought the first sentence was a good enough summary, then that means I've got the setting right there, says who's the main character, and it draws the reader in. And I really couldn't think of how to summarise them otherwise. XDD;

I have a case of mistaken identity in one of my comments. XDD But it's yuletide - you want to know who's written the fic, and since it's a rare fandom, there probably isn't that many writers for it. Plus, my writing style was slightly different from my usual, as well as being a fandom I've never written before.

You know how you think you'd going to be absolutely obvious and recogniseable once the fics go live? Yeah, I was paranoid for a while that I was going to be recognisable from my scene breaks. *facepalm* Really, self, stop thinking like this. On the other hand, I know that I have been completely transparent to one of my recipients. XDD

Did a bit of thinking, and I'm wondering if I should retag my 'Half Prince' fics as '1/2 Prince' over on esp_dragon since, well, that's what shows up on the covers. I realised after that I'd probably have to change the fandom part of my header for every fic, but I'm not bothered about that.

... Yeah, okay, I'll go change the tag. :)

I was originally going to begin with Noblesse, but then I realised/remembered that that updated weekly while 1/2 Prince updates monthly, and rather sporadically at that.

*bounces* Eeeee!

DDD: The first Freaking Panel has me at this face. DDD: Woooolf!

Awesome splash page.

*cracks up at the sight of Lan's helm.* XDDD Sooo does not suit.

*blink* What, what's going to Yulian admit to?

"But Wolf, I swear to God, to you, and to my conscience, I never lied to you about my feelings for you!"
*flails* EEEEEeeeeeee!
Must. Write. Development of this realisation of these feelings! omg, seven pages in and my obsession levels are already rising. Eeeeeeeeee!!

omg, Yulian's speech, and Wolf's gigantic blush! *squees* Hmm~ Wonder if Wolf knew he could blush before Yulian came along? *plotbunnied*

*cracks up* Everyone's watching from the sidelines!

EEEEEEEEEEEE!! Go - go Lolidragon! *cheers for her and gets out the pompoms* And the expected is again subverted. XDD Wolf's face, omg!


Lan: *epic facepalm* When did an apology become a proposal?!

Kyaaaaaaaa!! *cheers them on*

*laughs at Deathless*

... Bwahaha! You totally stuck your foot in your mouth there Deathless!

Eeeee, there's something going on in the background~~

... .hack//SIGN crossover! Okay, it's the opposite but it's kinda similar. Eeeeee!

O____O Damn, that would be so bad, to have accumulated all that, all that time spent playing the game and then they're gone.

XDD Aww, poor Gui overreacting and not knowing about Lan.

XDD *laughs* Massive mob to make sure Lan doesn't die!

Oh. My. God. 'Would you rather spend time defending yourself or tucking yourself back in?'
*cracks up so damn badly*

Heh. Western Wind going off to stay in his male form. Wonder what set this off? *plotbunny*
Oh, that's... Wait. An NPC contacted Western Wind?

XD Bwahaha! Well, yes, that's one way of getting down a cliff. Lan, you should be well practiced in this, right?

A rui?

What... is that?

Ah, okay.

Why would anyone have a problem with clams?

Clam has a temper.

... Clam was hiding something huge.

Ahaha! Meatbun's getting annoyed at Rui!

Eeeee! Now we're hearing the other side of the story. ... And Rui's sentient! Eeeeeeeee! If this doesn't get explained, wriiiiiittttting!

A wishgiver! Who'll misunderstand. Lan, be caaaareful.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! omg, must fic this person who spoke to Rui, but I can't because I don't know who they are, and maybe it'll get explained later on but omgggggggg!!

Wait. Did this person talk with Kenshin and Sunshine too? *bounce bounce bounce* Want more, want more, want more!!

If we don't fight back, we'll be destroyed sooner or later
Wait, is that who the assassins are? The NPCs? ... OMG.

Master of Meatbun, tell me, how am I different from you?
O_____O *wibble*

Dictator of life. I somehow doubt they're going to find their name on the server.


All this NPC exploration! I want to write them so, so badly! But I can't, because it's probably explained later on. ;__________;

"The Photocritter’s biggest features are its ability to take photos, its memory capacity of five hundred photos, and its ability to record up to five hours of video."

"Another point that needs mentioning is this creature’s digital clarity, which goes up to ten megapixels"
XDD The camera I'm using right now is twelve megapixels.

"Its uses range from taking photos during vacation for souvenirs, to photographing a murder crime scene for evidence!"
XDDD *laughs so hard*

"There are only five thousand critters in the first batch!"
That... is a pretty limited batch.

... Ooo, Lolidragon working and not being a GM!

"Actually, most people don’t have time to read while they are awake, but they can read books using the sleeping headset! That would be useful for a lot of people!"
Eeeeee! That is so true! ... But then, what about gaming? XDD

"Lolidragon said with a smile that made everyone’s hair stand on end. But then she said something that made the hair rise even higher. “Okay, then. Take it off.”
Eeeeeeee! XDD Loliiiiidraaaaagon!!

Oh my God, Lolidragon, don’t fool around, or else my portfolio might turn into an adult-only sort of thing-

"I had to pose in various positions of unimaginable difficulty for Lolidragon to take shots of. Sometimes I had to stay in a pose for up to half an hour. I suspected that Lolidragon was sketching my portrait instead of taking a photo."
*wince* Oh, ouch. But haha, Lan, it would take muuuch longer if Lolidragon was sketching, if she wanted it to be something she wanted to sell.

The two points? *searches the comments* Oooooh. XDD

"Never! This one here will still see it!” Wicked gestured towards Gui.
“That’s my line! Prince’s body should never be seen by you!” Gui said furiously, gritting his teeth."

"Shhiikkkk… Suddenly, a weird sound reached my ears. It sounded like…sticky tape? We turned around. There was Phoenix, with two pieces of sticky tape. She was looking at my chest…"
omg, Lolidragon is totally rising in my list of favourite characters. Eeeeeee! Whoops, read that wrong.

"Dàgê, if you want to eat something during rehearsal, just PM us and we’ll send it over.”
Noooo, but then Yulian'll think that's time spent away from rehearsing!

But I wonder why Kenshin didn’t go… Don’t harbor any suspicions - this guy never leaves my side, it’s just that he’s too quiet. (Even this author didn’t know how to tell everyone that he actually was still there. You can’t just always say that he’s sitting there icily with a poker face, can you?)
Eeeeeeee! Aw, poor Kenshin. XDD

"Gui told them with sparkling eyes. Geez, no wonder he’s a professor. Start talking about books and he goes crazy,"

Oh! Gui writes as well!

"The “Saddest-Story-in-the-Universe-and-History-of-Mankind” that you just read, of course."
*cracks up* That's... a very interesting title. XDD

"It’s a really cute white cottage that even comes with a garden!” Yun said happily."
Eeeee! Cool!

*looks at the next page of the manhua* *grins wide* This is when Yun and Jing show they know! Eeeeee!

I really don’t know how much time he spends on our class material. Ten minutes? Maybe even less…
Gui is a master planner! *snicker* Possibly pllotbunnied for this.

"Dàgê, do you know Feng Lan?” Jing questioned and my heart skipped a few beats."

"“After all, saying that you know yourself sounds pretty weird. Isn’t that right, Xiao Lan?” Jing added lightly."
*grins grins grins*

"I’ve already used karate on Yun and warned him that if he told anyone your secret, my next karate moves will be used on a guy’s most vulnerable spot."
Oh, wince. Ouuuuch.

Oww… Why are all the women I know so violent? And they all seemed to like hitting my head.
*snerk* Well, Yulian and Doll don't, but what about yourself, Lan? ;p

“Don’t worry. So long as I can settle my students’ problems, a small favor like this isn’t any trouble!”
Eeeeee, Gui's nice. :3

Oh, jeez, I hadn't noticed Lan's face and posture when Jing was lying! I was too focused on Jing's hand movements!

That person? Who is that person…? I was thoroughly puzzled and only stared with blank eyes.
XDDD Eeeeee!

“Unless what?” Professor Min asked, extremely serious.
Eeeeeee! Gui's face here looks so cool!

It can’t be! Professor Min, where did your IQ of 200 go? I was incredulous as I looked at Professor Min’s earnest face
XDD But you knoooow what he's like in Second Life!

“Ever since I started teaching, I have heard all sorts of reasons for asking me out. However, the reason that you two came up with was the most exaggerated.”

“Student Feng Lan, I want to tell you that I already have someone in my heart, so…” Professor Min abruptly showed an awkward expression. “So I’m afraid I can’t accept your feelings.
*shark grin*

When Professor Min is flustered, he suddenly has Gui’s foolish look. Seeing Professor’s refined and serious appearance, wearing glasses and a white dress shirt, but revealing a look of foolishness is just too funny.
omg, novel!Gui wears glasses!! Eeeeee!

“Is Professor’s crush Prince?” I suddenly wanted to hear Professor Min say it out loud in real life, as himself.
“Yes, it’s Prince.” Although he wanted to feign calmness, Gui’s face still reddened slightly and he looked embarrassed.

"After a good while, Gui’s intense gaze faded away and he looked at me with a red face. “Sorry, that must have sounded strange,” he said."

“Eat.” I never had any intention to shop around, so I can only say eat. It’s really not because I’m a glutton!
*nods* Totally, Lan.

"By the end of our stroll, I was holding fried chicken in my left hand, red tea in my right hand, and I was still chewing the french fries that I had just stuffed into my mouth… Zhuo-gēgē was even helping me hold the chicken kebabs and liquor escargots."
XDDD That's a lotta food.

“Hmm… On one party’s side, although he only paid once, the price for that one time was quite significant, and it left me with an endless aftertaste. On the other party’s side, he paid continuously. Although the price he paid each time was small, and even though the taste was inferior to the former, the combined total was still remarkable,”
This is how Lan will always assess her dates. XDD

Wow, that's some impressive interpretation from Jing. XD

general: obsessing, writing: yuletide, fandom: 1/2 prince

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