(no subject)

Dec 23, 2010 08:49

Okay, I think that's me done for yuletide at the moment. I've checked through the fics I've done, and I don't want to change them anymore (one of them does have an awkward, abrupt ending but I really can't think of how to change it =/) so... now to wait for Yuletide Madness. :DD Tomorrow, right? Oh please let it be tomorrow! (tomorrow for me, because by the time it gets to 'late 23rd', it'll be the 24th for me)

Hmm. *goes and attempts to do qem_chibati's prompt again*

No, I just can't stop writing anymore. I get jittery on the bus now if I'm not doing anything, because I have, like, at least fifteen minutes on the bus! Which I could use writing! XDD I pretty much always have a notebook with now, apart from the cases where I've forgotten it, because I'd taken it out to type the fic/story up. Which is why I now have a little stack of... message paper? Note paper? The paper that's the size of a post-it note in my bag too, just in case. XDD

general: obsessing, writing: yuletide, fandom: 1/2 prince, writing

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