
Dec 14, 2010 21:10

Early christmas presents! Because the people I talk with (and me included) at the kids' club are just giant kids too so we opened our presents together. X3 The kids' club may on next week, but we don't know - it's weather permitting. But that has absolutely no bearing on my previous statement. So. Yes. We opened our presents early (and I still have to give D his one - I ordered his online on the fifth and it's still not come yet! DD: Stupid snow).

And now I have a hard decision to make: do I read Plot & Structure, Revision & Self-Editing or The Writer's Journey first? (omg, The Writer's Journey is 400 pages long with tiny text and squeeeeee~. And Amazon says it's 300 pages. Ha.)

I wanna read them aaaall right now!

I've done a lot of writing for yuletide so far and I haven't burned myself out, but I'm pausing with the writing because I need to review some canon and I'll wait for Yuletide Madness to see what else comes up too. ♥ (plus, obviously, reading stuff!)

I just have one more 1k+ fic to post, but I'll do that tomorrow.

general: obsessing, writing: yuletide, general: reading, general, general: volunteering, writing

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