
Dec 13, 2010 07:30

So... yeah, I'm still writing an average of about a thousand words a day. *shuffles feet*

I also seem to have changed my sleeping patterns with my obsessiveness, because I can't get to sleep until about eleven now, and I was annoyed at myself, because I went to bed around about... half-nine I suppose, because I wanted to sleep and wake up early and write some more! And I had this idea of something to write during that time! But I thought if I went and wrote it, I wouldn't get to sleep until later, and then that could throw everything off! But I didn't get to sleep later anyway.


All that wasted time that could have been used on writing! Waugh!

So tonight, I guess I'll just write until I drop. :3


*gets back to writing*

Edit: *is giggling like mad*

Iwan Rheon and Robert Sheehan (Simon and Nathan, respectively from Misfits) taking the mick out of Iwan's Welshness. Not worksafe. Soooo not worksafe. Eeeeee, lookit Iwan's face when Robert's doing the 'pick it up' bit! XXX3

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general: obsessing, general: sleep, writing: yuletide, fandom: misfits, writing

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