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lucathia_rykatu December 1 2010, 10:49:39 UTC
Oh gosh, long post is long. <3 I never thought NaNo was possible, but with so many people I knew doing it and writing everyday and making huuuge progress (like you!), I was really motivated to write. I did have to spend a lot of my waking moments writing though, haha. XD

Congrats again on finishing! With 59k too!!

You sure did a lot of planning. *____* And it shows! Others with jobs would have been interesting too. Sounds like a fairly different story though. Yay for Noblesse and 1/2 Prince influences. Noblesse is really good at subverting expectations. It makes me grin a lot (and I sure grinned a lot here too).

70 pages of world building, goodness. XD; And more than that! Craziness! But so impressive! I have maybe one page of... names. No planning at aaall (and it shows, haha).

... You make me realize I need to catch up on Detective Conan. Woohoo!

The start of my NaNo is riddled with typos and errors because I thought having those were like a badge of honour in your text, going 'look! I'm doing Nano! See my mistakes!' *facepalm*
XDDDDDD It's good that you actually had time to go back and correct typos. It'll make editing so much easier!

Your first day word count is so impressive. *___*

Another thing that surprised me was the amount of drawing that I did because of writing.
Did you do more drawings than what you've posted? :3

I was worried about the first part, because I thought the novel was going to end up like Twilight, where not much happened for the first part, and then stuff began happening in the second part.
Hm, plenty of things happened near the start. :3 The first scene was right in the middle of action! We're now in the 2nd half, right? Now even more stuff is happening!

I am deathly afraid of this ending you're talking about. =P

• I spend so much time procrastinating on the internet.

• I can actually write fairly decently while writing loads. XD;
Yes, you can. *___* I was reading and going, oo, I like how this was phrased, and thinking, dang, you wrote that with such limited time?? And then I stared at my NaNo and murdered some sentences. XD

I spent last month mostly running an hour ahead, so that I could wake up at half-four and finish writing my daily word count by about seven. XD
Waking up so early, dang. But finishing within 3 hours is awesome, and then you have the rest of the day!

• Do not go on to the forums after NaNo has started. For a start, it's a good place for procrastination. For another, you can then see other people's progress. After the first day, I saw one person with an over twenty-thousand word count, and another with over seventy. I ran quickly after that.
Hey, seeing other people's word count can be motivating! But yeahhh, 20k and 70k in a day is intimidating. I haven't gone to the forums except to check out what people have said about the creative space offer. I wonder if I'm missing out on some fun. :3

• I learned about how you're supposed to bandage stuff and that you're, you know, supposed to clean it well and dry it beforehand. Also, I now know the basics how you're supposed to bandage a shoulder and a foot now. ^____^
Whoot! There was so much bandaging involved. =P

• I learned to keep a timeline for Searching.
Timelines are good. Oh, but it looks like you're mostly talking about day to day time instead of how long time has passed?

• I also learned that you sort of need to have breaks in the narrative, where you don't know what the characters are doing, or else you have to make sure you put in the daily necessities, like showering. Or going to the toilet. Marland has a seriously good bladder. :P
Yeaaah, I kind of learned that too. Lots of fast forwarding now since time wasn't passing quickly enough. I'd be ending up with a 500k monster if I kept going at my initial pacing.

• I can write 240-250 words in ten minutes. I used to think that 190 was pretty much my upper limit on Write or Die.
Did you use Write or Die a lot? :3


lucathia_rykatu December 1 2010, 10:49:51 UTC
• I didn't realise I loved animalistic/instinctual characters so much. I knew I loved watching them and squeeing over them, but writing them? I don't think I'd explored that in so much depth before.
Marland's ears! Eeeeeee. I love them. :D

*laughs about the Others* It's a nice name. Makes sense. But I did giggle with another other and other others came into play.

• Geckos! Like the signs of when they're about to shed their skin and problem areas. … Noooo, I wasn't thinking about having Marland shed. *innocent eyes*
What, Marland shedding?? XD

• Following the not-plot. Some parts got moved around, but it's still essentially the same thing.
Awesomeness. *__* I'm even more excited to see what comes after. :D

• Not giving away spoilers, like about the picture of Shodin and Saisha I drew. XDD;
Since she was with Shodin, I completely thought she was from "another" world. =P And I thought she'd still be alive. =/

• Conversations. Especially after I'd had the characters say the important bits and I needed to get rid of them so that the conversation wouldn't start dragging.
Hahaha, getting rid of people.XD

• After finding out about Tegami Bachi, to stop reading/watching and getting back to my word count. XDD
Oops? XD

• Not throwing out the plot and characterisations, and then throwing Marland and Shodin together, flailing at them, and telling them to go be happy and cute together. IC!Marland is just staring at me in horror at the moment. XDD
That would have been a completely different turn of events. XD But with Marland and Shodin as they are now, I can believe it. Well, with Shodin at least. Not as much with Marland. =P

• Knowing that other people were doing NaNo, and flailing over people's NaNos.
This. Definitely this.

• It's so weird when you can say 'only 15k to go!' and be absolutely serious, and think that that's a truly small number. It makes sense when you’ve just churned out 35k already.
It is weird. I was despairing about not being able to finish, but when I reached 40k with what, 3 days left, I was thinking, 10k? Totally doable. It's like nothing!

• I wanted to have so many fight scenes in this! I was like, 'yes! I've been doing too much talking and introspection in the stuff I've been doing recently, so now I can start blowing stuff up! :D :D :D' And then when I started writing it I got… lots of talking. Lots and lots of talking, with a character who hated talking. XDD In hindsight though, this is a lot better, because fight scene after fight scene would have been boring.
XD; I am still amazed blowing stuff up is easy for you. =P Marland really did talk quite a lot. :O But hey, if he doesn't talk, how would the readers learn what's going on since he's not figuring stuff out either? =P

Oh, you're going to do NaNo again next year? :3 AND challenge yourself to surpass what you did this year? Craazy! (But then, I've already seen people talking about how they did 200k for NaNo... how do they do it??)

Now I need to go answer twenty-one comments from a certain somebody. XD
I wonder who. =P *throws another 2 comments at you because OMG my comment is long*

I wonder if I should try to collect my thoughts surrounding NaNo. XD; It'll end up being me writing off the top of myhead. XD


darkicedragon December 5 2010, 08:48:18 UTC
Yeah, the name made sense, and I felt pleased about that, but arrrrgh, making up a name the next time!

Yes, Marland shedding! I was going/want to have a scene like this:
Shodin: Um, Marland...?
Marland: What.
Shodin: You're... a little bluer than you were before?
Marland: *Peers at arm* Dammit, that time of the month already? *goes off to the toilet*
Shodin: ...
Shodin: Wait. I know this. Why does that sound familiar?

XDD It's fiiine. I was mostly done with the 50k by that point when I started reading/watching Tegami Bachi. I think? Anyway, it's done now. XDD

Possibly with Marland! He's letting Shodin close now! He just doesn't realise it! XDD

"when I reached 40k with what, 3 days left, I was thinking, 10k? Totally doable. It's like nothing!"

Fighting's easy because people don't talk! And it's organic? Stuff happens and then the characters react to them, which, okay, happens in speech as well but I seem to have a better feel for how they'll react in a fight. There's loads of different ways that someone can react to what someone says, but a fight has a more basic attack, react, counterattack flow to it compared to information, react (where there's four completely different routes they can take), reflect (where they can take the information in different ways, depending on how they reacted to the information in the first place), reply.
XDD Waaa, hope I made sense.

I'm thinking about it, but I don't know what I'll do. :3 But I thought that this year as well, so we'll see what I come up with.

Yep! :D I know what my habits should be like now to keep going, so I could be able to do it.

O___o Wow, that's an insane word count.


lucathia_rykatu December 7 2010, 00:21:58 UTC
*laughs at the scene* That would have been hilarious to see. XD

And you're all caught up with Tegami Bachi. Even farther than me!

You made some sort of sense... still, fights and conversations are both hard. =P Fights are more visual though, and I can sometimes visualize it, which means it all comes down to if I can put what I'm visualizing into words. I guess in that sense, sometimes fights are easier to write than conversations for me, since conversations are more than just visualizing their reactions and body posture and all that... I sometimes how no idea what they want to say or if they're saying enough to understand what's going on. XD


darkicedragon December 7 2010, 20:07:17 UTC
XD It really would have.

Nope, not with the anime yet. Just finished the fifth episode and that's where things start branching away from the manga (unless that comes up later. Or I missed something.)

X3 Yup, they're still hard. I guess I'm a more visual person then, than a auditory one? ^ ^;;


darkicedragon December 5 2010, 08:34:36 UTC
And long comment is long too! XDD

@___@ I did. I didn't realise until I counted up the pages. I'm... kinda wondering if my 'making of' post will end up breaking the post limit... But I guess I won't find out until I actually do it. :3

Others with jobs would have then meant that Marland could have possibly been something other than a hunter, which means this could have been completely different. Not to mention, Marland would have been different, because the Others would have been slightly more accepted then, and he wouldn't feel that being a hunter was the only thing he could do/was good at.

Waaa~ I forgot about movie 14! And the 15th one is being talked about now! *flails*

:D It will. I just need to add loads of description. XDD; I always do.

I did quick sketches of when I was trying to work out body postures and stuff. So there's three previous drawings of Marland, and I've got two sketches of Laris and Nav, but they're baaaad. XDD;;

Ah, that worry was waaay before I started writing, so I thought the first part was going to be really quiet, with lots of talking. Which it is, but there's a lot of fights and arguments and stuff during then too. :3

I have decided that I won't post the second epilogue. :3 End Searching on a happy note. I've got loads of material for a second novel, if I want to make one so I don't need to put in the 'sequel hook'.

XD It's truuue. Some times I just keep refreshing my friends page.

XD Yep. Then I'd have the rest of the day, where I could possibly write some more!

Yeah, seeing other people's word count is motivating, but only if it's something you can keep up with! 70k just... makes your jaw drop.

What have people beenn saying about Creative Space? I've planned out what my novel cover might look like! \o/

XD There really, really was.

Well, I kept a timeline for both, but in my plan, I've actually got [day 1], [day 2] in the margins, because I was losing track after the fourth day.

:3 I used Write or Die a lot. I stopped using it as much later on, when I wasn't worried about hitting the 50k. I also stopped using near the end because the wireless got moved so there's no internet in my room any more, and I couldn't be bothered moving. XDD;;


lucathia_rykatu December 7 2010, 00:15:35 UTC
Have you had anything break the post limit before? XD; What is the post limit? I haven't had a oneshot or chapter of mine (or a rambly post) break the post limit yet. XD

Hm yeah, Marland would have been different! That's pretty fascinating to think about.

I don't think I've watched movie 14 yet either! *flails*

Haha, you are good that you were able to finish your word count so early in the day. I mostly did my words before midnight, haha. XD And then I read over what I scrambled together the next day and added in more description then.

Oooo, sketches. :D So now you have pages full of planning and also pages of sketches. XD I find it's much easier to write about something I've visualized and put down on paper, but I so wish I could actually draw it out like how I see it. I can't though, haha. XD

That second epilogue would be more like an intro...?

Well, I was reading up on Creative Space. People were worried about publishing rights since Creative Space assigns an ISBN, but some users were reassuring others that it wouldn't affect them if they eventually wanted to get their books published by someone. Other people were also wondering about the page limit. XD 800 pages! I will totally be all right. XD;

No internet. I think that would have been good for me to keep me on track. XD


darkicedragon December 7 2010, 08:43:11 UTC
No, I haven't either, but I think it's 10k. *looks it up* 65k characters. So I could fit around about 12k probably, but I'll either break it up or link to my dreamwidth journal if I do end up breaking it. XDD

X3 It iiis.

After realising that, I watched it. ♥~ Eeeeeee!

Yup. I guess I find it a lot easier to visualise fights, where dialogue is dialogue and I seem to have blank faces (literally - no eyes or anything!) in my imagination when I'm writing them sometimes if I don't really focus on them.

*thinks* Yeah, it could be. X3

Wow. That's a lot of pages. :O



lucathia_rykatu December 10 2010, 10:51:11 UTC
Does Dreamwidth have a post limit? Dreamwidth's so nice and shiny~

What! That was fast! XD; (Though December seems to be passing very quickly for me, even quicker than November, and I don't feel like I've done anything!) I need my Detective Conan fix. XD

The two new parts had a great mix of dialogue and action. *___* Some very squee-worthy conversations!! And very... bloody action. XD;


darkicedragon December 11 2010, 22:15:32 UTC
I know it can at least handle over 30k of words. :3 *goes to check*

"The post limit has been increased to 300,000 characters (including spaces) and the comment limit has been increased to 16,000 characters (including spaces)."
O_______O That's just over 50k you can fit in one post. And just below 3k words in comments. Wow.


I think that had been what I'd mostly been thinking about before I started writing it that there was going to be not much happening at the start, and then all this action explodes out of nowhere near the end. XDD :DD Yeeeeah, big bloody. XD;;

I just realised that my novel's in three parts: Marland and Shodin meet, getting to know each other, Balt then comes along and shakes things up, and then there's the final part, where... stuff happens. XDD I hadn't realised that until I actually tried to get somewhere where I could stop at a comfortable place, and that was kinda perfect.


lucathia_rykatu December 11 2010, 23:50:25 UTC
Wow, that is A LOT. And most of my fics would be able to fit in the comments then. In one comment. XDDD

It is a lot more action compared to the beginning. XD; But hey, climax, right? Unless there's a whole lot more action lurking. Are we at the end of the second part then, or are we in the third part? XD


darkicedragon December 15 2010, 13:01:28 UTC
XDD It's insaaane.

Yup, starting to head towards the climax.

So, reading the books I've just got, I think I've placed the acts wrong. It's Marland and Shodin meet (act I), Marland allows Shodin to wander the flat unsupervised and what comes after with Balt (act II), and I've just ended the 32nd part at the end of act II. :3

There's some more action coming~ Not very soon, but soon enough.


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