(no subject)

Nov 29, 2010 08:34

We got a bunch of snow over the last two days. It goes up to my ankle in some places. I passed by a primary school where they had a big snowman who was the same height as me and you couldn't see where they'd taken the snow from. I haven't seen it like this in ages, if ever!

And now I want it to snow in Torpin, while I can use real life experiences to make sure that I'm putting it down vaguely right. But - but - but-! It's like, the start of September, and yeah, I've got it down that the weather's a little more random there than on Earth but still. It's supposed to be end of summer/start of autumn!


Oh, whatever. I am god of Torpin. Snow it is. :D

Edit: Aaaaand now I'm getting affected by the Christmas songs that are already airing on the radio. =/ Marland and Shodin kinda want to be fluffy together. Well, okay, not fluffy, but they seem to want to have a Christmas episode type thing. Arrrghhh. Conflict. Confliiiict! I needs it! *flails*

original: searching, general: weather, writing: nanowrimo, fandom: original fiction

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