(no subject)

Nov 08, 2010 19:29

D: You can tell when I don't know what's happening.

*snerk* Interesting placement of weather for Dramatic Effect! Except, not really

Ha. I start writing about there being thunderstorms and then it starts raining. (Then again, I am in Scotland... ;p)

I want to kick Pai away now. :P She's done her bit, but I can't get rid of her because of the timing. And wwwwhhhhyyy is she talking like Yoda sometimes?

Jeez, Marland's and Shodin's inner clocks are so screwed right now. XD We are on the... fourth day, I think.

Yeeeah, Marland is pretty resigned to his fate now. XDD

I have another incentive for getting me to write! Get to the daily word count before I start checking my mail, friends list and web comics. XD I should know these already!

Only two people went to the receptionist volunteering today, when there's supposed to be six. Eh, was still able to do some writing. :3

We worked out why the intercom wasn't opening the door - I was pressing the wrong button. *facepalm* I was pressing the receiver-y bit that lets the phone know when the phone is in the cradle bit. The button to open the door was the bigger, more prominant button below it. Which also had a key symbol on it. *bigger facepalm* I'm blaming this on the fact that I'm used to the placement of my house's intercom.

I've worked out that I'm getting less sleep again. About five hours now? I'm functioning fine with no headaches so... eh, nothing bad, really.

original: searching, general: sleep, writing: nanowrimo, general: volunteering, fandom: original fiction

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