(no subject)

Oct 10, 2010 05:32

I think I've finished with most of the details about Alex (apart from his names, and his previous profession might change) and now I've started back on the plot. :3 Which has changed quite a bit since the last time I was working on it properly, heh.

So, another snag that I've hit: clothes. *facepalm* The only ones Marland wears is trousers, what with the wings and having gecko feet, so this is going to be interesting for Alex. *headdesk* *headdesk* I always hated this part in writing Hand x Red fanfiction.

So this means knowing how Marland buys stuff is pretty important. >____> Gah. Not to mention, Alex won't have shoes to begin with so how's he going to go out with Marland to get more clothes? ... You know what, screw it, I think I'll just have Alex have shoes when he drops through the portal; I have an explanation for it.

I also realised I may or may not have another layer of mystery concerning something, depending on how I portray it (and whether Marland assumes and doesn't say anything), and I didn't know because since I'm too close to this already. ^ ^;

Which is why I'm going to start editing Late Nights again, because it's been too damn long already, and if I don't, I won't be posting it until December. D:

I am worried/wondering whether my NaNo is going to be plotty enough to hit the 50k, and yeah, I thought I was only aiming for 20k? When did I start thinking I could hit the full mark?

fanfic: late nights, original: searching, writing: nanowrimo, fandom: 1/2 prince, fandom: original fiction

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