(no subject)

Oct 06, 2010 08:48

So I'm reading Description and Setting by Ron Rozelle now, and I've just finished the first chapter. It's all about setting the scene for the reader, so that they know where the book's set, using the senses etc. as soon as they open to the first page. But, the way that it seems like at the moment, it's like he's telling you that you have to start with a setting of the scene.

But I like starting in medias res, and that's how I'm going to be starting my NaNoWriMo. =/ (Saying that though, I'll have a massive world info-dump soon after the beginning...)

Speaking of which, for the genre options on the NaNoWriMo website, supernatural is grouped together with horror. And I'm starting to doubt whether what I'm planning is actually supernatural, but may be still fantasy.

I've starting using the earphones. And I don't really like them. =/ For me to be able to hear things well, they have to be jammed into my ears, which feels weird, and then they fall out anyway. Even if I'm sitting and not moving. And they fall out often. DD: Ugh. So getting headphones next time, no matter how much they are in comparison.

writing: nanowrimo, general: reading, general

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