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Oct 01, 2010 20:01

Oh, my god. Ciceqi's Harrow is amazing. *___* Original fantasy fic and - just. omg. So gooood. The world-building! The magic! Loyaltykink! Harrow! (I’m starting to wonder if I have a love for experiments/constructs or animalistic instinctual stuff. I definitely love it so much more when it’s both.) So. Much. Awesome. \o/ Do make sure to read the ‘Contains’ section though before reading. ^ ^

It's made me want to get back to Through New Eyes, because there's only a month left and I have no idea how long it's going to take me to finish Reset. I don’t want to leave myself with too little time to plan and plot, especially since I don’t even have my characters set. =/ So, I think that’s what I’m going to be doing for the next little while. And probably end up scrapping it all anyway. XD;

Both volunteering groups got back to me today, within five minutes of each other. XD For the first one, it’s now more or less finalised that I’ll be volunteering on Thursdays, and I’ll start on the twenty-first ('Let me know how you are fixed' sounds as weird as I think it does, right?). For the second one, I’ll be getting my training and starting on the eleventh. Yey~

writing: nanowrimo, general: recs, general: volunteering, fandom: original fiction

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