
Sep 15, 2010 06:31

I did - no, wait, I'd changed the date of when I post a new prompt to halfprince_fics because the fourteenth isn't completely halfway. ... Anyway, thought of a very crackish fic (which probably still works) while trying to think of a new prompt to post and then discarded it because it wasn't MMORPG enough? Except it probably would have been fine, and I can't keep it entirely to MMORPGs because then I'll run out of terms.

Still looking around for admin volunteering. One person got back with an application form, though I'm a little stumped for the 'Why do you want to volunteer with us?' question. 'Because you'll look good on my CV' isn't exactly the best answer... XD;;

Another person got back in touch, and the only requirements they ask for is an informal chat (the one above asks for an informal chat, interview, police check, references, and trial period. D: Ack!) so I feel better about this one. It was only after I'd sent the e-mail saying that I'd be free on Monday for the informal chat that I realised what date it was - my biiiirthdaaaaay, omg. Haven't really been thinking about it that much. XD;

I have a feeling she'll ask my age (because the minimum age to volunteer there is twenty-one and, yeah, my height) and then I'll just get confused. XDD;

Me and my boyfriend saw a double-rainbow yesterday! Or, at least, one-and-a-half, but I've never seen one before! :D

writing: plotbunny, general: community, general: weather, general: volunteering

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