
Aug 08, 2010 21:01

Was walking to my boyfriend's house when, as what normally happens when it's summer, a bug flew into my face. Specifically, my eye. As in, it slid behind my glasses to hit my eye.

Not such a bad thing, and it does happen sometimes.

I waited for it to fall off or whatever because that's what normally happens. Except it didn't. A little bit bemused, I shook my head to get it off. It still didn't move. And that was when I could feel its legs around my eyelids, prickling.

'Okay, so it must be trapped between my face and my glasses.' So I took off my glasses and shook my head again. Still. There.

Just getting a liiiitle bit freaked out by that and it still felt like I could feel its legs. I then tried to brush it off - and I actually touched the thing. It was fuzzy and huge.

Then I did freak out and, having nothing else to do -because it was a bee or a wasp and if I aggrivated it more, it was going to sting me-, shook my head hard.

Thankfully that's when it fell off. I spent the next five minutes walking to my boyfriend's house with my left eye shut and tearing up, and getting worried about if I actually had been stung because the prickling feeling wasn't going away, and my eye was starting to feel swollen.

I was able to open my eye when I got there but it was a little swollen so it felt weird looking down. Also, for a while, it looked like I was developing a black eye because my eyelid was turning purple. :P There's a small red spot under my eye where we're assuming was where I was stung.

It's better now, just sort of feeling like a much milder version of nettles or being burnt.

One good thing that's come from this is at least I know that I'm not allergic to stings. :)

general: ick

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