I should so be getting ready now

Jun 30, 2010 06:22

So I've got that volunteer/work thing that I said that I'd help out today. And I've finally looked at what the schedule is, and a couple of the talks/presentations sound really cool. Also, for the most part, there seems to be three going on at the same time. =/ Awwww.

*blink* And there's one session called Second Life! XDDD Eeeeee! I wanna know what that's about. I'll be horribly disappointed, but still!

A couple of these I wanna go to, but it'll depend on if we're busy at that particular time. :( It kinda says something is registration takes two hours. I have no idea how many people are coming. And, yeah, three on at the same time, so a couple of these overlap. :( Boooo.

*looks at the more detailed information* And I just want to see my supervisor talk. XD I actually haven't had her as a lecturer since second year.

... Oh. The Second Life thing is about the game and online learning. Hmmm.

There seems to be a bucketload of people presenting from a variety of different places. And on the last day, I think I want to go to all the sessions. XD

general: work

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