(no subject)

Jun 19, 2010 15:57

So I'm watching the Doctor Who episode The Lodger, and I'm trying to not slow it down and make comments but... seriously. The rampant ho yay is hilarious in the first ten minutes!

But would you really want a lodger like the Doctor?

"What did the man upstairs look like?"
"*laughs* More normal than you."
*Covers nipples*

Oh maaaan, I'm finding it so hard to watch this because I'm cringing so much as the Doctor keeps messing up the social norms. XDD

I'm surprised the Doctor didn't say 'Brain' or 'legs' for where he's the strongest.

omg, the Doctor playing football!

Not much of a team player, is he? :P

O___o Seriously, how much info was the Doctor transferring?

*laughs and laughs and laughs at the pilot thing with Craig*

*smiles at the ending* Though, she'd had memory problems to begin with, with the Daleks. Hmm... Two episodes to go.

This'll probably be edited later when the next episode gets aired.

Omg, the new episode. I was laughing and flailing so much! And then the cliffhanger. DDD:

fandom: doctor who

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