
Jun 11, 2010 06:38

The last chapter of FMA came out! I only found out that it'd be the last chapter a couple of days ago!! ... And it's huge! Over a hundred pages.

Greed sacrificing himself!

"See ya... friends of my soul."
Awww, such a woobie.

And... implosion?

Hmm... That's a lot of 'perhaps'. It's not so definite as before.

"So just as you said, I will give you despair."
Sephiroth vibes (or is just fanon ^ ^;;)

Al! D:

*blink* Wait. Is Ling saying - ?

DD: Oh man Armstrong's face and tears.

*jaw drops* Hohenheim? But... wouldn't that kinda be the same as using a PS?

"Why should you sacrifice your life away?!"
"Because I'm your father. It's not about necessity or reason. You two mean more to me than anything. I want you to be happy."
Awwww. Apart from you haven't seen then for years

Okay, next page explains it. D'awwww.

"Don't be stupid you shitty excuse for a father! Don't say that again!! or I'll kick your ass!"
"You finally called me father."

"This is my last act of alchemy as the Fullmetal Alchemist!"

Edward: *ignores and goes right up to the Gate of Truth*

... Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! omg omg omg he's not. He's going to give up his knowledge of Alchemy!?

Or his ability to use Alchemy. Aaaah~!!

Edward: *grin* Even without Alchemy I still have my friends.

"That is the correct answer, Alchemist."
? Interesting.

"You have beaten truth."
... Um, okay. Eh, whatever.

Eeeeeee! Al's back!

XD And Al's got to get used to feeling stuff again. ... Awwwww. X3

*flails* Hohenheim you are not leaving. *flails at him*

Ee! Marcoh.

Oh jeez, Armstong's eyes. XDDD

Awwwww, Ling and Mei.

DDD: Hohenheim~!

Eeeee! Al's haircut! And d'awwww, he gets so tired so easily.

*snerk* *hits Al* Like Ed's gonna leave you behind.

*bursts out laughing* Den's face! XDDD

XD Awwwww, Ed has to get used to doing things by hand again.

*whistles* Niiice view from the roof.

*tilts head* Salim ages fast? Or it's been two years since they've last seen each other?

Oh man, seeing grown-up!Al is so weird, especially with clothes. XDD

*laughs* Al asks for milk! XDD Good thing Ed isn't there. Or does he care about that anymore?

"Equivilent exchange. I'll give you half my life so give me half of yours!"
Oh Ed, you utter utter dork XD So cute!

"You want half? I'll give you all of it."

They're going to miss the train at this rate. :P

*looks at the pictures* *omg squees at the pictures!!*
Both Roy and Riza got haircuts?
Havoc going through physical therapy.
Ed and Winry have kids! (and possibly Al and Mei too? Though both kids seem to be blond so...)
Ling's emperor.
And Den had kids too!

Eeeeee! And there's new work coming out from the mangaka too? *grin*

... I should probably get back to FMN, shouldn't I?

fandom: fullmetal alchemist

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