*laughs nervously*

May 27, 2010 19:33

So I'd written a zombie apocalypse fic. And then I started think again as I started writing the next part.

Like, how did the zombies get there and I didn't want people to see them straight away so once they've done the damage, they disappear. But why? ... Crystals? *grabs own hair* I said that these zombies just popped outta nowhere! Stop trying to give things a source! Don't tell me a plot's forming again.

And I'd also wanted the zombies to not be contagious, since, well, I wanted to give them some chance of surviving. XD Except, it's more stuff for them to go panic about when they first see it and more to worry about so they don't just go charging straight in weapons blaming.

Tried to do the 'writing scenes that I want to show up' list but it doesn't work so well if I don't know where I want to end it. Hmm. See how it goes as always. :)

fandom: storm hawks, fanfic: communication, writing

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