Doctor Who: The Beast Below

Apr 10, 2010 20:34

Start: 8:05 pm

Let's see how long I take this time. :P


'This content doesn't seem to be working. Try again later.'

-____- Dammit. Guess I'll do this tomorrow, if it's up.

D: Losing. Will. To live. I don't want to edit my honours project anymore. DDD: Been doing it for sooo long. The thing is, the hand-in date is the 21st of April, my Neuro exam is on the 30th, and then my 2,500 word essay is for the 6th or 7th. I haven't touched studying and I've only possibly gathered some info for the essay. *headwall* The next weeks are going to be so horrible.

So I pretty much have to be finished by this Wednesday. Especially since I'm meeting up with C and E to go start studying for the exam.

I've so far got 11,300 words or something, and the most I'm supposed to have is 11,000. =/ I doubt they'll notice. And when I was trying to cut down today I ended up adding in more words. *rolls eyes*

Yeeeah, I probably picked a bad time to get back into tamingthemuse. XD;; And I've already done a cafeteria scene anyway for this week's prompt. .____. I'm not really good at prompts, am I? I'm better when I come up with the idea myself.

:) I've started writing SbLS again, yey. I kinda got a bit stuck on the scene that I'd stopped at because it was 'well, what's the point of this scene?' so it may or may not still be in in the final draft.

=/ Dunno, I just wanna post something. Or complete something.

My boyfriend hates me right now; I gave him my cold. ^ ^;;

On that note, being ill seems to kick my inner clock back to normal. I'm waking up around about half-five now, instead of, like, half-three or earlier. I'm also having eight, possibly close to nine, hours sleep a night.

Right. So, now I know the next time I get funky sleep patterns, I should go get ill! *dry* Yeah, it should be worth it. =/ We'll see how long it takes before they go all weird again.

general: health, general: sleep, general: uni: honours project, general: uni, fanfic: step by little step, fandom: doctor who, writing, fandom: 1/2 prince

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