
Mar 06, 2010 05:56

This is the fic that never ends.
It goes on and on my friends.
I started writing it not knowing what it was,
and I'll continue writing it forever just because...

@___@ The problem with Changes, is that for Kenshin to learn anything, especially at this part, it's pretty much certified that he has to be in a fight. And when you're fighting, you don't really tend to talk 1) if your opponent is an NPC (though Second Life is more realistic...) and 2) if you're on your own. So the format seems to be going fight, quiet scene, fight, quiet scene. I don't want it to go fight, fight, fight, fight. I'm just having problems of thinking what goes between the fight scenes.

"I'm an NPC, and it took me a great deal of time to understand what an NPC really is. From that moment on, I didn't understand what I was anymore..."
Kenshin's still at the denial stage where I am. *headdesk* I only have eight A5 pages left in my notebook; I've used up seventeen already. @___@ Maybe I should end the fic on Kenshin discovering properly what an NPC is? The fic could end pretty shortly if I did that.

I was also hoping to use some Chinese length measurements in the fic but... *head tilts at them* Wait, okay, I think I got it - but then since this is translated into English, I wouldn't be using those words anyway. XD So... feet and paces then.

I had a similar problem with one of the character names. I'd sort of given up on making names, so I went with 'What mythology do I know? Ah ha! Seiryuu! Wait. This would be translated. Blue Dragon. We have Lolidragon, and that's a little too close for me. Suzaku! Red Phoenix. We have Ice Phoneix. :S ... Uh. What's the other two? Uh. Byakko. Byakko is... White Tiger. ... *uses*' Let's ignore that I completely blanked on the fact that I was using the Japanese names. *fail*

After searching sofa up on wiki, I think I'll be using Chaise longue instead of couch.

writing: thought processes, fanfic: changes, fandom: 1/2 prince, writing

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