(no subject)

Jan 05, 2010 08:52

This will be interesting. But at least I did this in January, rather than Feburary, like I've done for the last two years. ^ ^;

A Wish (Hand x Red/ xxxHolic, 641 words)
XD Jim's thoughts sounds a little disjointed.
*flails* I want to reread Hand x Red again - not that it would take me very long, mind. And I should probably do something with this, shouldn't I?

Customer (Bartender/ Devil May Cry: The Animated Series, 554 words)
XD I was ridiculously pleased by the fact that I didn't have to do any alcoholic jargon for this.
Huh. Sasakura's description of Dante isn't that bad. ^ ^
I really hope it's at least plausible that Ayaka is a demon in some people's readings of this

Protection (Kuroshitsuji aka Black Butler, 100 words)
Wow. I completely forgot that I wrote this.
Yeah, I was scrabbling for something to write because I didn't want to go back on my new year's resolution so fast! XD

Blood of a Deimos (Arc: Twilight of the Spirits, 738 words)
-____- I still haven't finished this game. Then again, what have I finished? *snerk*
Hmm. I like this better than the first time I read this. Maybe I should post it up on ff.net?

Blood (Arc: Twilight of the Spirits, 591 words)
And now something from Darc's side. Yeah, I totally prefered Darc over Kharg.
It's pretty different from Kharg's point of view, but this was set in the past though.

Rememberance (Bartender/ Jing: King of Bandits [with a cameo from Storm Hawks], 1,776 words)
I tried very hard to get out of the barely past 700 word count that I'd been doing over the last two months. I don't know if this is a failure or a sucess. -___-

Sleep (Hand x Red, 100 words)
XD Yeah, this just seemed entirely too short for my tastes.

Sleep v2. (Hand x Red, 558 words)
So I did it again!
Huh. First person narrative.
Hmm. Jim sounds pretty quiet here. =/

Into the Forest (Original, 986 words)
:) My coursework for my Creative Writing class. I do seem to have thing thing for experiments though. ^ ^ I love reading about them, and if I can, writing about them. My first fanfic was about one, and so was my first hand-in for high school too.
I do remember that my lecturer thought that the guy had been tortured (which is, I suppose, essentially true) and that Mandy was his girlfriend or something. *wince* Little sister, but I didn't really make that clear. There was also a comment about there being lots of additional information that didn't really need to be there. ^ ^; I think that was partially because I was writing it as part of a series, rather than a one-shot... I started to be a bit more ruthless in my editing because of this, actually looking if things were needed and not just looking for spelling mistakes and characterisation.
So, aura reading and better hearing. ... It's very random, isn't it?

Into the Forest [extra] (Original, 690 words)
And skip way, way into the future, with no explanation, because as my author notes show, I didn't know either - I just wanted to write it.

Into the Forest [Chapter 2] (Original, 613 words)
And then we go back in time, technically. ^ ^; Using one of the prompts from the same list for the coursework.

Into the Forest [Extra] (Original, 850 words)
And jump forward again. XD

Fullmetal Ninja [Chapter 11] (Fullmetal Alchemist/ Naruto, 3,493 words)
OMG *flails* The first FMN chapter of the year!
Yeah, thinking back, I really don't think people would have been too happy about them two just going out for a stroll.
I finally finally got the two of them to see something that couldn't be logic'ed away!
But then they logic it away anyway. -___- Hate you and your reasoning Ed and Al.
*laughs at the food description* One's a bag of crisps, another's pocky.
O___O This chapter seems soooo long.

Standing Guard (Final Fantasy XII, 215 words)
Yet another game that I haven't completed yet. More scrabbling for something to write.

Leukophobia (Original, 683 words)
Not even going to look at this. D< It's so bad and stereotypical and you can see I have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about.

To Dream (Original, 2,193 words)
XD This went through so many edits. I got a huge amount of edits and corrections for this... but I can't find the damn thing now. =/ So this is the actual thing that I handed in, not the more polished version. (And yeah, I'm being lazy ^ ^;;)
My lecturer also thought that there was a dream sequence in here. =/ The only thing I can think of was the fog scene.
This is all probably very very cliché.
XD Aaaand there's what Alex could have been like in my Through New Eyes fic. Both Alex and Richard are taken from there. Maybe I should get back to that fic too.
XD Boo for word count limits.

Heed the Warning (Original, 322 words)
Poem, again for my Creative Writing class.
*wrinkles nose* It's... okay. Well, pretty decent for my first try. Major use of 'what rhymes with ___?? That does - okay, stick it in!' Except it doesn't always work. XDD
And you can see that I got hugely influenced by Kuroshitsuji.

Never. Again. (1/2 Prince, 530 words)
XD The aftermath of Lan's drinking.
I was trying to go for double meanings, but I'm not sure if it really worked that well.

Second First Meetings (1/2 Prince, 2,631 words)
Writen a little after that sidestory came out and that massive spoiler about Gui.
... I want to write more Gui and Wolf fic....
I will always be amused at how Gui thinks that he can't stop bumping into Wolf, but from Wolf's perspective, getting to that point, he had to keep trying over and over, but failing for one reason or another. XD

Question (1/2 Prince, 544 words)
Another fic done so I just have had something writen. And it got slightly skewed because of the sidestory chapter too. More angry.

Second First Meetings (1/2 Prince, 3,124 words)
*eyes wordcount*
And now from Wolf's pov!
I was getting very confused about whether Wolf would know it's a boss or not, because they sometimes know that it is, other times, they declare that it's a boss and warn people away. Consitency plz.

Posture (1/2 Prince, 270 words)
I think I was rereading the series at this point, because I was just amused by what Prince/Lan was doing the first time she couldn't find Lolidragon.

Dying (1/2 Prince, 663 words)
Writen for the halfprince_fics community. ... I should really do something to make it more active.
:P I think about tihngs too much.

Restless (Double Arts, 179 words)
;____; Why did you have to be discontinued.
Yeeeah, I winced when I saw what Kiri had made to make sure he didn't get kicked.

Hobby (Double Arts, 388 words)
A short thing. XD I have no idea what to say about this.

Awake (1/2 Prince, 535 words)
omg, so bad. I tried to get to the 500 mark, and just kept dragging it on and on.

Off Period (1/2 Prince, 1,782 words)
XD This was so much fun to write. Very hard to have Kenshin do something, because I couldn't have him think too much, and when he did, well, he wouldn't understand everything would he?
... And now I want to write Kenshin interacting with other people. ... Kenshin with IC Gui. XD That would be a very one-sided conversation.
>D And I made my Aggrobait character. I haven't done anything with him yet. XD

Upgrade (1/2 Prince, 597 words)
Hmm. I wonder what other changes I could make when patches come through. >D

And then the stuff with the honours project came through. And then coursework. Ugh.

Word count: 26,346
... This is scarily close to my last word count. XD;; About 60 off.

Aaand, this is not counting the treat I did for Yuletide, and the fact that I've finished the 12th chapter of FMN (oops...) and the first chapter of the Hand x Red/ .//Hack. (Not even typed up...) ... I should really do something about that.

Hmm, this is mostly all one-shots and three 'long-fics'. XD

So, for this year, I'm going to try and do what I did last year, and have 100 words written per week. And I should probably post a list of wips so that I can guilt myself into writing something since I only continued one last year. =/ Eep.

Unless I get completely swallowed by WoW once I finished uni, I should start writing more in the summer. :D

general: meme, writing

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