(no subject)

Aug 07, 2009 20:15

*grins and grins and grins just at the first panel*

... EEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeee~!!! Flying carpet! Oh, this fight is going to awesome! Extremely short but oh so entirely awesome!!

Yep, still think Sunshine looks like a girl. A really tall one, but... yeah.


*waits* Kenshin's gonna attack~

Page ten. :DDDDDDDD

Wahaha! (... Already getting Novel!Lan's inner voice?) Love's full protection!

XDDD Gui's in teacher mode, and Yun's gonna have a heart attack! ... And when are they going to figure out who their big brother is? :33

Page twenty-eight: ... Prince looks like Miwa...

The pre-publication drawing of Gui... O.o Feminine.

“No, a PHYSICAL thrashing, for actually daring to call me a pervert.”

You mean you aren’t? I asked silently in my head. Gui’s icy expression surprised me though. He actually looks pretty cool…

:D Eeee! Yulian's gonna appear!

"Lolidragon, I no longer want to create the legend of “Prince” alone. I want to work hard alongside every member of Odd Squad and create a legend together,” I said, fixing her with a resolute look.
Awww. Though, to the outside, looks like they're flirting? ;p

The last time we looked for a mage, we found a necromancer like Doll. Then, when we were looking for an archer, we ended up with Gui, a bard… This time, what will our search for a mage yield? What other strange class/race combination do we not have yet?
XDD *lols in real life*

Just as the members of Odd Squad were knitting their eyebrows together tightly enough to squash a mosquito to death…
... XD Hahaha!

“Have we…found ourselves a normal…teammate?” I asked, stuttering.
Man, I love this. XD

*cackles at Yu Lian describing what she thinks of Wolf's looks*

... Awww. That was short.

Chapter 7.
XD Lan loves her manga and games.

"Monsters [Lolidragon] faced often died in mysterious ways, including those people who dared to oppose her - most of whom did not even know how they turned into a pillar of light - causing our team’s reputation to be perpetually decreasing."

"Her agility had increased to the point where her walking speed was about the same as our running speed, while her running speed practically seemed like teleporting."
Jeez. *think about Kenshin*

"In addition, Dàgē had also learned a bunch of useful abilities, although most of them were offensive abilities… Dàgē, please remember that you are a priest-Hey, Dàgē! Killing monsters is my job, so could you please stop charging forward and sending the mobs flying with a kick? You’re making me - the warrior - lose face. Also, stop secretly increasing your strength; you’re supposed to place your points in willpower and intelligence, you hear? Kicking again?! "

"as long as you win a match, you will gain experience points equivalent to killing monsters that are the same level as your opponents, multiplied by ten.”"
O_____O *whistles*

“It really does look great on you. The wine-red color of the tiara is very similar to the color of your eyes, plus it compliments your fair skin and white hair…” Lolidragon! Kindly wipe the drool off your face.

Extra Chapter
“Plus, if you’re bored, you can always admire your own peerlessly handsome looks…” Lolidragon muttered under her breath.

Right! Let’s see: So I can either be a lesbian and fall in love with Lolidragon or I can fall in love with Gui, who happens to be gay! And if I have too much time on my hands, I could always indulge in a spot of narcissism…
XD Ahahaha!

"“I told him, if a guy as great as him wanted a wife, I’d definitely marry him… Was that not clear enough?” Yu Lian asked anxiously.
Lolidragon gave her a helpless look. “To most people, that would be sufficiently clear, but Odd Squad has two members who are very slow when it comes to feelings and one of them is Wolf-gē.”"

"Seriously irked, I immediately rushed into town and bought a spiked club, a length of chains, a small knife, a bottle of hair cream, and a birdcage containing a white dove. Then I went in search of Yu Lian and Wolf-dàgē."
... *cough*

“A proper gentleman?” Gui looked at Wolf-gē’s wolfish face. “I’m afraid that’s…impossible!”
“…A proper gentlewolf, then.”

And Gui? That fellow who had tried to sneakily hug me had already been kicked all the way to the next street.
Poor Gui.

Wolf-dàgē’s face was bright red
Would they be able to tell?

I looked impatiently at the two furiously blushing, wordless individuals. Then I picked up Yu Lian with my right arm and Wolf-dàgē with my left (that’s the good thing about having a lot of strength! If you’re bored, you can drag people to the altar…) and kicked open the door to the church. With one person under each arm, I walked over to the pastor and said, “Pastor! Wedding!” With that, I dumped the two of them onto the floor.
To the point, as always.

Volume 2, Chapter 1
...Y'know, Lan's gotten used to getting sighed after in Second Life - she's probably going to get weirded out if a guy asks her out in real life? That, or checking, '*looks down* Yep, I'm a girl. ... Wait...'

Burrowing. (This technique had not come easy to anyone, because whenever she failed, the entire squad had to organize an excavation, in order to dig Lolidragon out from the earth that she was trapped in.)
XD Ahaha!

If not for fear of angering my ancestors by killing the only successor of the Feng family, I would have long since used my chopping knife and turned him into a charsiew bun!

Chapter 2
As soon as he said those words, we turned and looked at Meatbun, who was bouncing excitedly on my palm, squealing “Whee! Whee!”. We then lifted our heads and looked at the fire phoenix soaring majestically in the sky.
“The odds are definitely against us,” I remarked.

:DDDD Weeee! Dragon!

I recollected Lolidragon’s bloody, tear-filled history with pets. That might be for the best. Otherwise, Lolidragon will be setting a new record by killing an immortal fire phoenix, and adding yet another chapter to that bloody history.

“Mama is Mama…” Meatbun said as it lowered its ‘head’, an endearingly innocent look on its face. It was even rubbing against my palm, seeking affection.
X____X *is ded of cute*

*grins* Hell's Murderers are next. :D

D'awwww. Gui doesn't get a mention in the 'Odd Squad is SCARY' wail.

Awww... I caught up. :(

:D I finished the first chapter of the Hand x Red/Sign crossover. It's only at a thousand words though. =/ Eh. I still haven't got a set title for it either. Hmm.

fandom: .hack//sign, general: obsessing, writing: crossover, fandom: hand x red, fandom: 1/2 prince, writing

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