Jun 14, 2009 15:05

So. E-mailing person I'm beta-reading for. I feel a little tickling at my ankle and think it's just one of my hairs that's gotten caught on my jeans. I shake my leg. The tickling doesn't stop. I look down to pull at the hair. I see big furry thing on my leg instead.

I panic and shake my leg because I instantly think, 'Whoashit, huge-ass spider geddoff geddoff!'

What drops off? A bee. Which is a whoole lot better than seeing a spider that big.

I'm trying to think if it's a good thing that I had my socks on or not.

I gots .hack//infection! :DD Obviously this means that I won't be on as much for a while.

I've owned the game before and... I'm surprised by how much I've forgotten. Pretty much all I could remember from the game was Mistral's voice, Piros, because of the green, and Kite. Really. I saw Mia and squeed. I saw Elk and went d'awww. I nearly pointed at the screen laughing when Hidden Forbidden Holyground came up. Balmung's in the game! The Orca scene means a whole lot more after watching Sign. DD:

Fanfiction's made everything more fun since last time, I was all very 'meh' about it. :DD

I found out that Sprite Ocarinas are only used for getting out of dungeons, but then since the game's been updated, would this be relevant to a fic set in Sign? .___. I think the further along I get in the games, the more I'm going to get confused what's supposed to be where. ... What's going to happen when Tsukasa tries to add Jim to the party? I think it'll just be a regular group of three and Jim won't be 'in' the party but he'll be with them. XD

general: funny story, fandom: .hack//infection

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