(no subject)

Jun 07, 2009 13:18

*frowns* Still feeling a little dizzy if I sit up straight too long. Playing games are okay, but then, I'm playing sitting up on my bed so, I dunno, maybe I should lean back when I'm on the computer? *snerk*

*is pleased* I checked my overall wordcount for this year, and in half a year, I've nearly written as much as I had written over the whole of last year. :DD If what I've written is actually any good is something different mind you, but hey, I'm writing! :D I wonder if I should up my set number for my next New Year's resolution or if I'll just end up doing the same anyway as this year. XD I'll have to worry about my Honours Project then, so I'm not sure.

I'd continued with playing Disgaea 2, but... I got to the eight chapter/episode, and then saved. =/ Five fights in a row where the guys are level 27-ish and my guys are level 22, tops (my healer). It seems to be a huge jump from one part to another.

So I'm playing Final Fantasy XII instead.

general: gaming, fandom: final fantasy xii, general: health, fandom: disgaea 2, writing

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