(no subject)

May 29, 2009 20:10

Happy birthday bakura_kat! (I got it this year! :DD)

Yeeeey~! Exams are finished! It hasn't completely sunk in yet, I'm not sure if it kinda, er, will, because I wasn't panicking over the exams, and there wasn't a 'whump' of relief when this exam was done so... Yeah, I dunno. Life goes on? We'll see what I'm like when I realise I don't have to go in to uni OMG for the next three months. ... That sounds so nice. :33

I think my neck's gonna hurt tomorrow. It was hurting a lot on Wednesday, after the exam and yeah, I don't want to know how the six foot tall people were doing, being hunched over the desks for three hours.

So the Wednesday exam went well. I'd mostly finished when I realised that I didn't think I answered the question. =/ And that I had very little research backing my claims for my last question. So I'd say, at best, I'll get in the mid-fifties for that.

*grumbles* The invigilators keep getting bored. The room was split by empty tables, with their chairs leaned up against the edges - halfway through, one of them started to straighten them out, so that the chairs were properly on the ground. >___< I was sitting right next to that empty row.

Not that many people left that exam, but that'd be because we pretty much were given those questions. Seriously. :3

I had Guilty Beauty Love by Vic Mignogna, and Again by Yui stuck in my head during that exam. It was intentional, since I'd prefer to have something that I want to listen to, rather than having something else stuck in my head that I hated, like last year.

Today, I was talking to one person who was only just starting to look over her third topic this morning. But that topic was what we'd covered in the coursework, so not bad, but not exactly good either.

The actual exam went okay. The first two questions were fine, while the last... Ack. I'd covered pain, CHD, cancer, and stress. The first two were fine, but the last two mixed along with each other. =/ I only just realised that what I'd studied for stress 'wouldn't' come up, and if it did, I'd only have two studies that would be relevant - the other, what, fifteen? twenty? references were talking about other things. -____-' Ugh. Well, it did turn up, but I liked the cancer question better, except I think I was mildly doing a mix and match. =/ And, again, I don't think I answered the question.

Especially with cancer. Because it was asking for how psychology affects a person's experience of cancer, while I was talking about how psychology can affect a person's mortality rate with cancer. So I think I'll be getting 40 - 50% for this exam. =/

Arrrgghhhh! Halfway through the exam, there was someone playing music. Outside. Loudly. I'm glad it was mostly instrumental because that would have been even worse. As it was, we could hear it very very clearly. >__< Then that stopped. For about ten minutes. And then it came back again. To my ear, it sounded vaguely like Disgaea 2. It then finally stopped after a while. And then someone started yelling pretty much at the top of their lungs.

I was getting close to headdesking.

I hate exams. A lot of people are talking about choosing modules next year that are 100% coursework. I've taken a quick glance at the stuff that we're to choose from, and I'll be taking Advanced Animal Behaviour (I loooooved that exam. :3) and something that's 100% coursework and/or a third year module.

I should really e-mail them about that...

Dennou Coil. ^ ^ Was watching that last night. Well, finishing it. *cough* Basically? Episode tweleve was freakin' adorable and funny (Haraken's one! XDD), episode twenty-one was sad, I was extremely confused by everything after that, and Miss Michiko? DDD:

Again, I completely forgot that those names were nicknames. *facepalm* but then, it's been... a couple of weeks? since I last watched it, so maybe that's why.

I wanna watch the episodes again so I can understand it better.

And during that, a Kingdom Hearts crossover was screaming to be written, especially in the last episode. There's also the Fullmetal Alchemist crossover, and not just because of Haraken. XD;;

I will eventually post the second chapter of SFM. ^ ^;; And start posting the probably only going to be about twenty words long challenge post.

I... don't know what to write after I post it. ^ ^;; There's Hand x Red/1/2 Prince, the challenge for halfprince_fics (which I actually had chosen, I'm sure, but now I've forgotten), or, you know, the next chapter of Fullmetal Ninja. ^ ^;;

I really need to go reply to all the reviews and PMs I got too...

Should probably make a checklist or something. After posting and sleeping. Gnhh... I'll go post in the morning. Too tiiiired.

general: uni, fanfic: second first meetings, fandom: 1/2 prince, fandom: dennou coil

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