(no subject)

May 18, 2009 22:04

Aaand just had something like a three or four hour nap. ^ ^ So I've probably just screwed my sleep patterns for the next three days. Ack...

To my lecturer: It's brilliant and nice of you that you told us which article would be really relevant for one of the exam questions. And then you told us we should get more references in addition to the ones that we get/got from that article. DD: This article is twenty pages long without references. I've probably gotten something like twenty references from this article and you want us to find more? DD: We've got two other topics to study for, and I've got five other topics from another module (some have more since they've got three exams!). I won't be able to remember all of them. :(


*points to icon* :D Finally made it.

Finished Second First Meetings - at the moment, it's just over 2,900 words. It wouldn't eeeend. And that's when the scenes are kinda bare bones too (for me). ^ ^ Twelve scenes altogether. *snerk* Dunno when it'll be up but ah well.

general: uni, general: sleep, fanfic: second first meetings, fandom: 1/2 prince, writing

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