(no subject)

May 15, 2009 19:13

Handed in To Dream today. The wordcount after the last edit? 2,200. XDD Right on the dot.

In other news, I've finished another Half Prince one-shot. ^ ^;;I haven't typed it up yet but I think it'll be under five-hundred words. And it's half of the bunny I was poking towards lucathia_rykatu. -___-''

It'll probably be up in either a couple of hours or tomorrow.

As for Second First Meetings... DD: I think I've written something like 1,500 words and I still haven't gotten to the whole 'reveal myself to Min' part yet. DD: There's seven scenes done at the moment.

I've still got one or two more scenes to go before getting to that scene, and then there's at least three or four scenes after that. Gaaah... They're short scenes though; but still, this'll probably be longer than the first chapter. ^ ^

While I was writing this, I realised something - I still haven't written anything from Lan's point of view yet. XDD;; The one-shot I've done today is from Zhuo's point of view.

I'll get to her at some point...

Edit: *headdesk* Reading through the manga to get Zhuo's brother's name and after seeing him introduce himself, I realised that in the fic, he's referring to himself as his last name. *makes a note to change that*

... And after reading the sidestory, his reactions don't exactly work. >___< Or maybe they do...

original: to dream, general: uni, fanfic: second first meetings, fandom: 1/2 prince, writing

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