(no subject)

May 10, 2009 04:44

I've just found out that I can do voice posts... Don't know where my microphone is, and I doubt anyone wants to hear my voice anyway. ;p

*eyes finishing_wips* I wanna join. But the thing is, I've got six WiPs, two of them I'm working on (really, it's just the one at the moment), two stories in the planning stage, and another two plotbunnies that want to be planned. *facepalm* I have too much wanting to be written.

I'm also wondering if I should move my 'Working on', 'Planning', 'Set to the side' and 'Discontinued' status from the bottom of my plotbunny page and make it a header instead; I'm getting slightly annoyed at the amount of scrolling, or hitting the 'end' button, I need to do every single time I want to change something.

It would probably make more sense to put the header post on esp_dragon. But with the amount I keep on switching them around... Yes, I'm lazy. ;p

Ahaha... So I said that hey, maybe I can use the second chapter of Second First Meetings to actually set the scene properly! What seems to be the first scene? The middle of a fight scene. *headdesk* Gah.

So I'm editing To Dream. Okay, I've been editing for the last couple of days. ;p Anyway. In the comments I got back for Into the Forest, my lecturer changed some parts to become thoughts. But with To Dream, since it's first person narrative, I'm getting really really confused about what should be thoughts and what should be narrative. I change one part to thoughts, look at it, then want to change it back to narrative. Gah. And I should probably write up the bibliography and just hand it in (it should pass as it is) and get back to studying.

original: to dream, fanfic: second first meetings, general, fandom: 1/2 prince, writing

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