You know...

Apr 19, 2009 08:42

I really want to write a 1/2 Prince/Hand x Red crossover. >3 I mean, Jim goes from time to time easily enough, and, well, he does it by magic and from what I guess, he doesn't appear in the same place every single time. So he goes straight into Second Life.

It would be interesting to see what Luca would be doing there too - studying another branch of magic? He's probably twist it around somehow so he can use it in the real world. Or maybe he isn't? Jim just had bad luck for that trip.

Or I could do the exact same thing for .hack//sign. And Jim wouldn't be able to 'log out' either. >3 The anime takes place over six months so... :)

So, got two different crossover ideas now - am not touching Dennou Coil at the moment, because I really need to study!

...Damn. My plotbunny list is getting huge! (And you can tell where I've gotten obsessive over something can't you?)

So I was worrying about my group not having enough time to do the project - turns out, the building opens this Thursday so we have a couple more days to work on it. :DD I need to remember to bring the ethics forms. I'll be waiting for the computer to blow up

fandom: .hack//sign, writing: plotbunny, general: uni, writing: crossover, fandom: hand x red, fandom: 1/2 prince

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