*runs in circles* xxxHolic 175, Bokurano 58 - 60

Mar 12, 2009 19:40

Would Watanuki get in trouble for being stalkerish?

Wow, it's been a while since they've been there. ... He's been doing that for two weeks?!

:D Ooooh. I wonder what'll happen with the egg.

O.o That's some topic change.

Bwahahahaha! XDD Those three panels! "Can't you even kindly hold my hand in a situation like this!"

*snickers* "It's awkward."

"Fine, if you're going to make fun of me, I'm leaving."

... I really can't remember what that injury's from... =S ...Or is that her pilot mark? Uh, or is that animé canon?

*laughs* "Did... did you just apologise sincerely for the first time in your life?"

O___O The freaking HELL??

Soo... there might be a need for another pilot? Gaaaaaaahhh! Machiiiiiiii.

How thin does she look on page 18? Okay, she's young, yeah, but she basically looks like she's just bone. =/

... DDDD: I thought he was just going to skip over her or something - re-choose Jun or... something! Not - not - ! When he said 'I'll kill her', I thought he meant he'd kill her after or something. Auuuuugggghhhhh! Obviously my brain isn't functioning.

... I'm so confused... He killed her, to free her of the contract, then brought her back? She's a past projection? Something?

Heeeey, the tower's still there.

And we see the rest of Kana's battle.

*Awwwwws at Jun wearing Kanji's jacket*

... He's not. He's not going to enlist Miku. DDD: Please?

Hmm, well if he contracted more than thirteen people, that would then account for 'accidents' and people who run away and then he'd still have thirteen by the end of it.

*looks at the phrasing* So, this is only the first or second world they've been to since they first got into this?

So, they aren't parallel worlds, but alternate worlds then.

Well, yeah. Even if there was a parellel version of someone you knew, they wouldn't be the same person you knew. Well, they shouldn't be anyway... *grumble* I think about these things too much.

*snickers* Hit him by ramming?

.. Bwahaha. Never mind. True enough.

*wiiiiiiiibbbbbllllles at Jun and his dad*

......... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh! You didn't! DD: I can't belive you did that! Okay, yes, I can, but auuuuuggggghhhhh!

fandom: bokurano, fandom: xxxholic, general: reading

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