I think I may have planned out in the long run what should happen in Fullmetal Ninja.
Of course, I don't know if it'll actually stick but it's made me feel productive at least. :3
I have no idea how many chapters are going to be interaction ones but I'm hoping they'll be interspaced between, you know, the plot moving on. I haven't actually planned just how many chapter's there'll be but i think it could be less than twenty. Not sure.
Yeah, the thing about Naruto inherently knowing Ed and Al's language for a while before fading? Not in this anymore. :( I wanted to use it but if the Kyuubi had found its way into Ed and Al's world, how did it get back and why would it have learned their language? Too many questions. Not to mention, even though I complain about doing thw hole different languages thing, it felt like cheating, even though it'd only last for about two chapters or something. Yeah, I'm weird. ;p
I still haven't typed up the eleventh chapter, I'm not sure where my beta-reader's gone and I'm writing about two lines on the twelfth chapter every day, if I'm lucky. It's oh so very much like pulling teeth at the moment.
I was right about my planning skills - I've changed what was going to happen in the twelfth chapter so I guess I'll just play things by ear. ^ ^ At least it's a little surprising what happens. :)
Al aso seems to be losing his characterisation. Or he's just pretty quiet when it's not his PoV. =/ It's probably the same with Ed when it's Al's PoV actually.
Lucathia_Rykatu? All the fic you've been writing's gotten me interested in Bokurano. :3 I've gotten to the chapters about Chizuru Honda. But wow, there's a lot of characters! XDD;; Spoiled myself quite a lot on wiki and reading your fics. :D
Three days of rain. XDD It's gonna go on 'till Friday and then start up back up again on Saturday.
Yeah, my dragon didn't hatch. I didn't think it would. ^ ^;