Game - Twisted Wishes!

Apr 14, 2007 12:46

So, I thought I'd start something fun here, something, being the procrastination queen that I am, that will keep me away from lesson plans as long as humanly possible until I give into the inevitable and get them done. *breaths* whew, run on sentence ( Read more... )


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wingsunfurled April 14 2007, 12:16:50 UTC
Wish granted! However upon filling it with water a giant man eating crocodile has taken up residence in your pool and refuses to leave.

I wish to become a great famous actor


the_muso April 14 2007, 12:27:48 UTC
Wish granted! Except instead of being a mainstreem famous actor you actually a hugely famous.... porn star! (im not very good at these *blushes* and btw the famous actor thing? me too - all the way)and I dont mean this in a mean way, just a funny way... i couldnt think of anything else...

I wish I could be a hero.... (wow thats the best I could do.. sorry)


darkicedphoenix April 14 2007, 12:44:28 UTC
Wish granted! You save a small town from being choked to death by flowers. However, you're deathly allergic to pollen and have had to hang up your hero outfit in favor of your health.

(HAHA, like the porn star thing :))

I wish I would stop pulling all nighters to do the work I should have been doing during the day


trust_your_lust April 14 2007, 14:01:13 UTC
Here goes nothing lol...

Wish Granted! You stop pulling all-nighters because some gorgeous he-man decides that he can no longer stand by and let this happen and decides to do the work, though it turns out he has more muscle than brain and your work and/or grades are completely destroyed.

My that was bad lol.
I wish that I could read minds!


purplephoenix03 April 14 2007, 14:11:08 UTC
Wish granted! It was working out so well too, getting answers off of quizzes, anticipating your crush's next move etc... and then you find out that your crush is gay and likes your brother instead, your best friend was the one that spilt that soda over your essay despite acting clueless and someone is about to spike the punch with rat poison.

(Yeesh, I'm morbid! Sorry :s)

I wish I didn't have to go to work ever again


riotact April 14 2007, 19:53:00 UTC
Wish Granted! But due to your lack of work, you have nothing to do and are slowly running out of money, food etc etc. Eventually you will be homeless and probably eaten by rabid puppies. (Haha, sorry. It was the first thing that came to mind. :p)

I wish I had superpowers like Superman.


purplephoenix03 April 14 2007, 20:49:04 UTC
Wish granted! Except now mad evil scientist with 'let's take over the world' crazy blueprints have captured you for testing and are harvesting your super powers

(Gah, keep me away from the puppies! Anything but the puppies!)

I wish I had a lifetimes supply of pepsi max (mmm!)


the_muso April 14 2007, 19:15:21 UTC
hahaha loved that - very creative!

"I wish I would stop pulling all nighters to do the work I should have been doing during the day" ....

Wish granted! However, you get bitten by a vampire and are deathly affected by sunlight... forcing you to stay inside in the daytime...

I wish that I was thinner...


purplephoenix03 April 14 2007, 20:46:30 UTC
Wish granted! Except now none of your clothes fit you and you have no money and so are forced to wear a bedsheet wrapped as a toga in public.

(Heee, I'm a vampire! Nice!)

I wish I was on an exotic island


blueskyblues April 14 2007, 21:16:35 UTC
Wish granted! Except the exotic island that you are on will sink into the sea within 5 minutes of your arrival and you won't have a boat so will be stranded in the middle of the ocean.

I wish I had some icecream.


xxname_takenxx April 15 2007, 02:45:12 UTC
Wish Granted! You are given a lifetime supply of your favorite flavor of ice cream, except who ever asked what flavor you wanted hates you and instead gave you dog food and liver flavored ice cream.

I wish I was a genius.


jencat004 April 15 2007, 03:54:07 UTC
Wish granted! Except your new super-brain means your head is now the size of a Ford Pinto, and you have to dedicate your new found mental powers to figuring out how to strengthen your neck muscles and finding a hat that fits. {Plus all the time needed to spend washing your hair}

I wish I had a harem...


moonyfairy April 15 2007, 08:31:32 UTC
wish granted! unfortunately, your beautiful harem has been infiltrated by one of the sneakiest girl spies on the planet, and she has slowly but surely been brainwashing all the others. in the dark of night three of the harem girls tiptoe into your room and steal your laptop containing all of the secret information on three major world powers. and a fourth one dunked your toothbrush in the toilet =p

umm... i wish i had a jacuzzi in my dorm room.


purplephoenix03 April 15 2007, 13:06:17 UTC
Wish granted! Unfortunately, your roommate is hiring said jacuzzi out to every man and his sister and your room is now an ugly ugly place to be. Not to mention you never get to go in the jacuzzi - and are not sure you want to as you're convinced that Barry the Badger (Varsity team mascot) lost control of his bladder whilst enjoying his time in the tub :P

I wish my room to be redecorated


shadowpiranha September 17 2007, 02:55:31 UTC
Wish granted!
However the producers of the decorating TV show tell you that it isn't for free after all and leave you with an £11,000 bill to pay and flee, cackling in an evil manner. Plus, YOU have to clean up all the paint buckets and shards of wood.
(Sorry, this isn't that funny...)

I wish I was a famous artist.


the_muso April 15 2007, 11:32:54 UTC
(reply to purplephoenix03)


Wish granted! BUT you are all alone and you slowly go insane and turn to your only friend, Spalding the Soccer Ball for assistance in building a raft to get back to civilisation... only to find he has run off with Cheryl the Coconut (and youre like pfft! as if 'that' would ever last!)

I wish I was Sandy McCoy, and was dating Jared Padalecki( I dare tempt you?!?!!hee hee)


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