Layout #15 One Tree Hill 'Pictures Of You'

Mar 04, 2007 00:56

Hey y'all! New layout for you guys to yank, I had this up at my own journal for a while as well. I adored this episode on so many levels that I made the graphics for this layout that very night! Hope you like and will comment :) There's a friends only banner and matching icon included.

Also, I'm currently open to suggestions for future projects. I have some in the works and probably not a whole load of free time coming up, but I'm determined anyway! So feel free to throw your pennies into the pot, just be warned that I can't promise anything definate :)

On with the layout!

Layout: One Tree Hill 'Pictures Of You'

Style: Generator
Website: Required (ie, you must specify one in your user info, or the results won't be pretty! You can always point it to your LJ)
Default Icon: Doesn't matter, but I've made one.
Best view: 1024x768
Nav banner: Codes are set for NO nav banner. Instructions included how to switch off this function or adapt codes accordingly.

Layout: Working preview


The header
The background
The divider
The icon
Friends Only Banner
You MUST upload to your own host. No direct linking!
(Image hosts listed here)


::life in a glass house::


LASTN_TALK_READLINK=>%%messagecount%% recommendation%%mc-plural-s%%|


%%readlink%%What’s new?|>edit">



Tree Hill">Pictures of You">I Will Dare">An Attempt To Tip The Scales">Between Order and Randomness">I Love You But I’ve Chosen Darkness">Riders On The Storm">Locked Hearts and Hand Grenades

Prom Queen

This section is up to you! Put anything you want, more links, some information about you, your likes/dislikes, a playlist, some pictures… use your imagination :)

Layout: v.15 OTH ‘Pictures Of You’

© 2007">darkicedphoenix" border="0" usemap="#map1" class="x">



How to apply your new layout
Instructions can be found here

Color scheme:
When in the ‘Look and Feel’ section of the options, under ‘theme’, tick the custom colors option and plug into the table the three specific codes listed below. Don’t worry about the blanks.

If you have problems, check the troubleshooting section in the FAQs. I beg of you people, please check there first if you’re having problems. Most likely you’ll find the solution there! If it doesn’t help, then ask. Alternatively, head over to everything_lj .

(friend me to recieve the latest updates)

PS> you may be interested in the Great Friending Project. Do come along and join in!

tvshow, one tree hill, layout

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