Resource - misc icon texture set 02

Feb 19, 2007 00:09

A second collection of 16 miscellaneous icon textures
Credit - darkicedphoenix

download @ deviantART

Standard rules apply! Please comment if taking, it provides me with motivation to make more goodies *nudge nudge*. Thank you to all who commented on my last set, I appreciated them muchly! I've been ill and I don't think I'd have finished this batch as quickly as I did without your support :)

This set has an overwhelming colour theme of purple/pink/red, which was *totally* unintentional! So next set I'm working on are blues/greens possibly some yellows thrown in. Hopefully up soon, but no definate date as I'm back at uni now. Yuck.

PS - If you also have an account over at deviantART, please mention your account name in your comment and I'll head over at friend you as a thank you :)

(friend me to recieve the latest updates)

PS. you may be interested in the Great Friending Project. Do come along and join in!

resources, textures

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