Aug 24, 2005 19:36
Anddddddddddd to prove my theory once again that people on yahoo messenger are idiots.........this tool randomly messages me, so i decied to have a lil fun =)
extremeguy3243054354: Hi 28 yr old male here, are you into any fetishes? would you like a fetish movie of a man shitting on the face of a woman?
drackiousgirl : No and No
drackiousgirl : But i would like a fetish movie of someone fisting you
drackiousgirl : both hands
drackiousgirl : Maybe shove a small child or large ferret up in there
drackiousgirl : Let him/her squirm around
drackiousgirl : Then
drackiousgirl : While doing so, I want you to blow bubbles
drackiousgirl : And sing the star spangled banner
drackiousgirl : Yea................I'd be happy then
extremeguy3243054354 has signed out.
drackiousgirl : Awwww, it sounded fun to me :(