Though I can assure you, one part time job is not going to suffice for MCC classes and rent+utilities+food+gas. You may have to work two jobs. Unless you find a high paying one. Nevertheless, I wish you luck.
If you need another job, why don't you apply at Target? They start you off at 8.75 an hour to be a stocker. I could definetly put in a good word for you, if your not willing to, then it's cool.
Dude, there's a guy that I work with that has his whole right arm covered in one giant tattoo. They haven't said a word against not having piercings, so it should be fine.
Though I can assure you, one part time job is not going to suffice for MCC classes and rent+utilities+food+gas. You may have to work two jobs. Unless you find a high paying one. Nevertheless, I wish you luck.
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