If you can't see
this entry, then you've been cut. I mostly cut journals that seemed inactive (i.e. hadn't been updated for several months) and people who asked me to, but I also cut a couple of people who I just didn't feel like I got along with well personality-wise or whom I had never talked to/had never talked to me. Pretty much, if I didn't recognize your username on my f-list, you got cut. It's entirely possible that I made mistakes, though, since I know that people rename or sometimes I do stupid things like forget that I just added someone, so if I cut you and you think that I shouldn't have, please feel free to take it up with me in this post. Comments are screened, so yeah. I didn't cut anyone because of something personal, so if at ANY point you'd like to be re-added, even if you come back to lj and see this post months after the cut's been done, I probably will.
Alternatively, if you would like to cut me, you can comment here to let me know and I'll remove you back.