"the only hard fact we do know about comedy is that women are not funny"

May 09, 2010 17:05

(title from funny or die and it is TRUFAX)

i havent posted in a few days cos i havent felt like it ._. yesterday i went to bed at like 2, 2:30 cos there wasnt rly anything going on and i thought id get up at like 10:30 cos id get a decent 8 hours of sleep and then i could write a few hours after getting ready before going to work.  instead i was woke up at one by my mum, who asked me if i was getting up that day.  FUCK MY ALARM.  altho it might have gone off, im not sure.  i srsly dont remember it tho.  but my dad was like e_e i woke you up at ten and i honestly dont remember him doing that.  so damn i got about wot...10 1/2 hours of sleep? LOL.  oh well i guess.

got ready, wrote some (had to stop at a fun part and lost my momentum.  innit that great -_-) and then off it was to work.  got there and saw that im working monday, wednesday, friday, and a double shift saturday.  wonderful.  i nearly tweeted that as a prediction before i got there but thought id look like a complainy douche.  WELP.  i knew id have it cos j asked for all of saturday off for prom /eyeroll/ he just wanted an excuse not to work; everyone says so.  whenever someone asks off saturdays, im ALWAYS a double shift, or at least it seems that way.  fucking sucks.  cs asked if id work for him thursday.  fuck no.  if boss's wife asks, its gonna be a fuck no cos im already getting 18 hours this week.  which doesnt sound like much but i have so many essays and books to read and homework to do that im gonna have to cut back on internet time as is :/  the GOOD thing is is that, yes, im fountain monday & wednesday BUT im order taker  on friday and for my first shift on saturday, which is nice :3 i think if id been fountain the entire week i prolly woulda went completely psycho.

yesterday at work went by pretty fast.  nobody rly came in much for most of the time and the cook (my sister's mother-in-law) was like :O where are all the people and i was like theyre going to come in right before we close, which is wot always happens.  as per the usual we got busy right before closing.  fifteen minutes before closing up to five minutes (or less) we got four groups, all eating there.  and the last group wanted chicken (which would take awhile to cook) so that was great.  i was all told ya to the cook and she was like IM TRYING TO WEAR A SMILE /frozen grin/ which is *rly* bad cos shes always chipper and she came into the back when i was cleaning and was tapping her knife on the counter all WHY do they always do this?  why do they do this?  why dont they come in earlier?  it drives me crazy!  she had us close like after the last group so no one else could come in (even tho it wasnt 8) and yeah.  she let me and cs go (s had to stay cos she had to clean up after them) at 8:10 or so and the people had decided to get dessert...and eat it there too XD the like courtesy level of some people surprises me, but i mean i guess people are the same everywhere

after that i came home and i dont even fucking remember wot i did yesterday.  WAIT YES I DO.  i was on my raffles/bunny account XD i dont even know who brought it up (it was NOT me) but we started talking about bunny and the infamous dress incident and they were being so suggestive that it was making me turn red XD im so fail you guys i swear.  everybody is always all over bunny, lmao.  and today this one girl offered to purchase bunny from raffes XD<3

speaking of that website, omg at the watson/holmes thing.  holmes keeps alluding to the fact hed commit suicide if watson died and im just like x3 cos thats a little nice parallel.  not QUITE the same as wot im doing but relevant enough.  also LOL im pretty sure it was during the day friday but they kept talking about how charming and handsome the other was and holmes was all youre dashing and irresistible to the women &tc. and watson said: "you seem rather thoughtful, holmes, or are you attempting to seduce me with your handsome and unnerving infinite staring?" LOLWOT YES HE IS.  EVEN BETTER:  "nonsense, man, you look peachy in comparison.  id kiss you, since you look so fine, but im afraid my lips hurt like the dickens" IM SORRY I DONT EVEN XDDD there is no other way to take that XD<3

also also also :D the holmes and watson always congratulate these two chicks (one of which im friends with) so i see them doing it and i was all I WISH PEOPLE WERE PROUD OF ME and watson was all are you graduating from academia too and i was like no e_e but i will be graduating in 3 years instead of four next year.  him: "on that day i shall present you with flowers and be most proud, i assure you" :D!  if only, lol, then the ceremony wouldnt suck as much as it does XD<3

ALSO i got your package and stuff yesterdaymoonloon :D which i didnt find out til like midnight cos mum was all wot did you get? me: ??? her:  in your package.  me:  wot package?  her:  the package i gave you.  me: ...i wasnt given a package XDDD YEAH.  so THEN she found the package and gave it to me.  it included: book more holmes for the holidays, lol, ros & guil, invention of lying and an iron man cup.  my mum is pleased that i got invention of lying XDDDDD no but yeah awesome stuff :D and the cup is radtastic ;_;<3 ty :D!

here are some quotes from the peep show that amused me XD:

-----1) mark:  juice bar?  massage?  orgasm?  thats everything i stand against!

-----2) mark:  great, trapped all night with with the homos and the criminals.  like prison but without even the privacy of my own cell.

-----3) mark:  so a candle stuck in a wine bottle doesnt cut it anymore.  now for a special night you have to have class a drugs and...fisting e_e

-----4) mark:  youre not a bad person but im afraid to say youre a moron

-----5) jeremy:  oh yeah justice is done.  not *actual* justice but wot i wanted to happen which is *basically* the same thing.

i needs to do three essays, read a book, and then write for fun but first:

A PICSPAM OF JUDE LAW taken from wonderwall.  for no real reason XD if it seems like a lot i could have done MOAR cos i had like over 40 pics so THUR.  i got these pics...thursday?  cos i read an article about him and its all see more jude law pics and im like WELL I DONT SEE WHY NOT.  XD kinda amusing cos im sure none of you care but I DO so there:


2) this pic cos i thought of daniel craig as bond and then i was like well jude law could play a good bond :O hes british (my sister was all wtf when i said this WELL U HAS TO BE BRITISH SO HE HAS DAT COVERED D:<) he fills a suit well *AND* hes hairy.  and most bonds are hairy amirite?  look at sean connery LOL.  thats not being mean its being TRUFAX.

3) no real excuse for me to put this one in i just wanted to D:<

4) jude law with a big fuckin scarf lmao i remember the trash mags mum & my sister get made fun of him for wearing scarves, awww XD<3

5) obligatory picture i shouldnt wonder ALSO SOMEWOT DEMONSTRATES MY HAIRY BOND THEORY

6) <3

7) XDDD couldnt resist

8) XD hes like almost always giving a *look* isnt he?

9) "see wot i has here?"  (XDDD rdj looks so SRS BSNS <3)

10) again more srs bsns

11) XDDDDDDDD god i swear

12) XD i had like five other different pictures of him with scarves XD god

13) i liekd dis one so i stuck it in.  thats how i roll

14) pic for hamlet

15) dis one cos I LIEKS PPL DAT LOOK LIEK MEN.  also cos if i showed this to my sister she would be grossed out cos the people she likes srsly want to be confused as women.  that is wot theyre going for which is disgusting but no IM disgusting...

16) older pic obviously.  the site had some pics from random years :3

17) another old pic, in case you cant tell x3


18) deer in the headlight look

19) lolwot

20) :O

21) i forgot this and had to edit it in XD I WAS SAVIN IT COS MOUSTACHE<33333333

my friend posted this a few days ago on twitter and it amused me so:


tv, work, jude law, sherlock holmes, writing, robert downey jr, pictures, lulz

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