"you remember how dumb i used to be?" 'yeah' "well im better now"

Nov 25, 2009 22:41

so last night i stayed up past 3 playing my game but i was all its ok i can sleep in a bit. guess who didnt sleep in today? ME. i was woke up at round 10 which doesnt sound bad but i had wanted at least 10 hours or so cos i NEVER get to sleep in. mum was all youre going to town with me and i was all bah ok. but then mum took forever doing packages so i played my game a bit.

we didnt leave til TWELVE, or a bit after. so i was like skladjjg i coulda slept in! but yeah. mum took in packages and had wanted me to pay her insurance bill but she left her cheques at home so she had to go in. then i went to wal mart to get new headphones (i have frayed yet ANOTHER pair and the iPod ones that came with the iPod hurt my ears trying to put them in otherwise id just keep them. i am making do with them, tho. i just turn the volume all the way up and listen to them as like mini speakers XD) ANYHOO i went looking to see if wal mart had any sherlock holmes games. nope. they had headphones for $19; i had $22 from mum as thats all she had and id left my money at home thinking shed have more on her.

then i, on a whim, see if they have the EW mag with rdj. THEY DO :D ridiculous, isnt it? two bookstores dont have it, wal mart does. i didnt have enough money, so i had to make a call. obviously like the crazed fangirl i am i decided on the mag XD the lady was rly odd, tho. she scanned it, then held it away and stared at it for a good 10 seconds or so. i was like O_o and she slowly put it in the bag and was all have a nice thanksgiving! oook then.

then mum stopped at mcdonalds for lunch and i had to go in cos she cant rly talk. i went in and it took forever. the lady kept getting my order wrong (and i dont know WHY; it was a medium fish plain 2 large fries and a medium coke is that hard?) and then i just had to wait FOR.EVER. i was dozing off into my own little world as i often do when i heard someone hiss my name excitedly. i turn and find mariah (an old upperclassman friend of mine) behind the counter, waving happily. i was like !!! does EVERYONE from school work here?! her: LOL yeah pretty much! me: srsly! is it easy?! her: it is pretty easy XD shes the FIFTH chick that i KNOW of that went to my school that works there. it doesnt sound like a big deal but our school is tiny and there are places to work at that are closer that youd expect them to go to. its mindboggling to me. my mum says i should work there so id be with all my friends. lol its true; all the people i know of that work there are various stages of acquaintances to me; no one that doesnt like me or that i feel ambivalent toward (that i know of) works there. maybe thats wots odd.

came home, took a shower and off it was to work. work was pretty much dead and they expected that it would be rly busy cos it was the wednesday before thanksgiving but no dice. we even closed fifteen minutes early x3 ah well im not complaining! and LOL. my sister asked if i was gonna see rdj sing and i was all ? and she was all he sings and i was like i know i have his cd. hes not touring he just put it out. hes good :) her: yeah well you say dean martin is good. me: dean martin IS good! her: no, hes gay. me: he is not! her: yeah he likes little boys. me: D:< and yeah i havent got much to say today, obviously.

EDIT: im such a silly arse i almost forgot! guess wot im doing next saturday? guessguessguessguessguess jksdkjgjdbsghejrgvs. i never thought id convince mum but i was like theres this exhibit, its done december 19th, i rly want to go, its rare for it to come round here, i think...and mum was like D:< but then she pointed to the 5th and nodded. IM GONNA GO TO THE HOLMES EXHIBIT /flails/ even tho its a pretty far drive kdjfjgdbdv. one of the items they have is the good-bye letter from holmes to watson from the final problem jfjndnjud handwritten by "holmes" (ie doyle) im so excited, heehee. i almost wish my boss would badger me as to wot im going to see so that i can be all /proud SHERLOCK HOLMES EXHIBIT. theyve also got other items and first editions and film/radio bits and stuff from acd's other works and stuff about him. its gonna be awesooome!

so here are some bits from the holmes game that amused me/i liked. you know the deal:

ive (as watson) been going around FOREVER gathering information and clues (or "clews" as leblanc would put it, haha<3) and wotnot and when i reach the police station about to talk to the constable about wot ive found holmes comes in all after many hours of ..."walking"...you just decided to tell him (wots up with the ..."walking"... srsly XD)
watson: but...um no...but wot are you doing here, holmes?
holmes: i was worried, watson! (d'aw) and with good reason, it would appear. go give the message to this policeman and lets go home. nobody appreciates me hanging around here, you know, and its freezing cold! i srsly said dawww. holmes got worried about his man<3

then watson is complaining cos holmes has gone into his room for days, you know the drill and watsons all "all he says is 'im thinking, watson,' 'im busy, watson' 'as you wish, watson' im thinking too i cant sleep!" aw poor watson needs holmes to cuddle away the bad images XD<3 also it was LOL cos when he said the bits where he was quoting holmes he tried to mimic his voice<3

watson: by the way have you heard of a dr tumblety? (this name reminds me of that python with a melon?! sketch and makes me lol)
humphries (constable): um no...is it important?
watson: yes no...maybe...actually i dont know. attaboy, crime doctor XD<3

i d'awwd when watson was all lets go back to baker street, home sweet home also i love how whenever people ask him about his wife hes just like yeah shes great lets talk about the case or, even better, my sexy holmes XDDD WATSON YOU FOOL NO ONE. i dont care if youre on a case youd be at baker street regardless e_e

i get to muck around with the baker street irregulars :D inorite? AND IM IN DISGUISE. its a win/win situation. you can tell he rly cares about the kids too so there was a lot of d'awwwing to be had

PURE LULZ are to be found at one point. im asking this pretty huge, pretty nasty prostitute (her name is big danny and she used to fight men for pennies and never lost XDDDDD oh my isnt she purty & charming) information. she refuses to tell me anything (oh btw im holmes at this point) without getting money. i give her money, shes all haha not giving you anything but she informs me she willing to change her mind if i have something MORE to give. holmes is instantly like :| goodbye and then is like "that monster...uh...big danny" XDDD<3 SOMEONE DOESNT LIKE GETTING THREATENED FOR SEX. unless its...well i think you know

were discussing this one pretty gruesome murder (watson freaked out and holmes is all D:< get a hold of yourself this is why youre here no you cant leave. i felt kinda bad for him D:) and holmes mentions that he hasnt rly had "practical use" with a "uterus and a vagina" but that he still has "rather a precise idea of the usefulness" of them XD i was very, very amused.

this, right here, was the best part of the game of the night, man. i was 100 x over amused and all YES YES YES:
watson: do you know dr tumblety a canadian or american chap quite an extravagant dresser frequents this pub now and then?
sickert: are you...intimate?
watson: um...no. wot do you mean by that (at this point i started to lol and i was like o:! cos i NEVER expected it and i squealed.) then:
sickert: the man that you were talking about and whom i happen to know by sight passed by and went through that little door that you can see over there. another man let him in. they werent together for more than a few minutes, to be sure, eh?
watson: well i will continue my search
sickert: (sighing) ah, love!
watson: (to himself/me) i still dont understand wot he is implying.

LOL THAT YOURE A RAGING HOMOSEXUAL. ps, im willing to back sickert up if need be XDDDDDDDD<3 i just love how watsons like ???

sherlock holmes, robert downey jr, work, lulz

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